Battle of the Bastards

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The Stark and Bolton armies sit across the battlefield from one another. DAVOS sits on horseback among the ranks of the Stark army. JON SNOW rides his own horse through the ranks, looking at the men. He rides up next to TORMUND and WUN WUN, at the front of the line. and to the side with a small flanking force is Y/N, Robb and Ygritte on horse Across the battlefield, X-shaped pyres resembling the sigil of House Bolton are burning. Attached to each of them is the body of a flayed man, strapped upside down. RAMSAY rides through the ranks of the Bolton army on horseback with a rope in his hand. RAMSAY reaches the front of the line and dismounts. The rope is revealed to be tied around RICKON's hands. RAMSAY ushers RICKON a little further out past the front line and stares at JON SNOW across the field. He unsheathes a dagger and raises it in the air. JON SNOW dismounts and walks a few paces out into the field. RAMSAY lowers the dagger and cuts RICKON's bindings.

RAMSAY: Do you like games, little man? Let's play a game. Run to your brother. The sooner you make it to him, the sooner you get to see him. That's it. That's the game. Easy. Ready? Go.

RICKON starts walking out into the field, then looks back at RAMSAY.

RAMSAY: No, you have to run, remember? Those are the rules.

A soldier approaches and hands RAMSAY his bow. RICKON starts running across the field. RAMSAY draws an arrow from his quiver. JON SNOW jumps on his horse and begins galloping across the field towards RICKON. RAMSAY notches an arrow and fires. The arrow lands in the ground next to RICKON. RAMSAY fires another arrow. It lands on the ground next to RICKON. JON SNOW and RICKON are getting closer. JON SNOW extends his hand out to RICKON. RAMSAY shoots another arrow. It misses. JON SNOW and RICKON are feet away from each other. JON comes to a halt beside him and looks down at him. RICKON gasps and then dies. JON SNOW looks up at RAMSAY.

TORMUND (to himself): Don't.

Y/N Stark: Don't let your honour ruin the plan.

Ygritte: Shit

Robb Stark: Don't wait for the single Ygritte we don't move till Little Jon umber moves his shit pike men in.

RAMSAY smiles and gives his bow back to the soldier.

DAVOS: Prepare to charge! Prepare to charge!

The Bolton archers draw and loose a volley of arrows. JON SNOW ushers his horse into a gallop straight towards the Bolton army.

DAVOS: Go! Go! Follow your commander!

TORMUND: Run and fight!

WUN WUN roars. The bulk of the Stark forces charge across the field towards the Boltons. JON SNOW continues to rush the Bolton forces alone. The Bolton arches released a volley of arrows, some of which land in the body of JON SNOW's horse, causing him and his horse to tumble to the ground.


KARSTARK: Cavalry, charge!

JON SNOW stands to face the Bolton cavalry, charging at him. He takes off his sword belt and draws his sword. The cavalry approaches. Just before it's upon him, the Stark forces rush past JON SNOW and collide with the Bolton charge. Men on both sides die in the frenzy. Bodies and weaponry fly everywhere. Archers on both sides of the battlefield nock arrows and draw their bows.

DAVOS: We'll just kill our own men. Stand down.

The Stark arches do not fire.

RAMSAY: Loose!

The Bolton archers fire. Their arrows rain down on Stark and Bolton men alike. In the fray, JON SNOW dodges several horses which gallop past him. One Bolton cavalryman charges with his horse, but JON SNOW cuts him down. JON SNOW rushes forward and kills a man on the ground, then slices the belly of a second man. A volley of arrows rains down around JON SNOW. He ducks. None of the arrows hit him. He returns to his feet and cuts down another man, dodges the strike of a passing Bolton cavalryman, and runs through another Bolton footsoldier. A Stark footsoldier helps him finish the Bolton man, and JON SNOW grabs him by the shirt.

JON SNOW: Get word --

The Stark footsoldier is taken in the head by an arrow. JON SNOW stares down at the man and then flies into a rage, killing two more Bolton soldiers. A third man runs at him but is knocked down by a galloping horse. JON SNOW runs over to where he landed and stabs him several times. A horseman gallops at JON SNOW with his ax ready, but a passing Stark cavalryman spears him. Another Bolton footsoldier approaches JON SNOW, but JON SNOW cuts him down. The bodies are beginning to pile up on the battlefield. RAMSAY's archers loose several more volleys. JON SNOW goes into a frenzy, killing many Bolton men. The bodies have piled up high enough to create small mountains of bodies. Men continue to fight atop and around them.

DAVOS: We may as well be taking shits back here.

DAVOS dismounts his horse.

DAVOS: Follow!

DAVOS unsheathes his sword and charges across the field. The remainder of the Stark forces charge after him. On the other side of the battlefield, RAMSAY smiles and acknowledges SMALLJON.

RAMSAY: It's time, go.

SMALLJON brandishes his sword and walks back and forth in front of his men.

SMALLJON: Who owns the North?

ALL: We do!

SMALLJON: Who owns the North?

ALL: We do!

SMALLJON: Show me!

SMALLJON and his men cheer and charge across the battlefield. JON SNOW continues fighting, but is knocked to the ground by a Bolton footsoldier. TORMUND appears and stabs the footsoldier through the back, then helps JON SNOW to his feet.


WUN WUN and the Wildlings charge up behind TORMUND and JON SNOW. SMALLJON and his men are charging from the other side. WUN WUN points at them and grunts. A force of Bolton men appear bearing tall shields and spears. They create a half-circle around JON SNOW, TORMUND, DAVOS, WUN WUN, and the entire Stark forces. The other half of the circle is blocked by the piles of bodies on the battlefield. The shield soldiers set their shields firmly in the dirt, then point their spears inward towards the Stark forces.

MAN: Infantry, advance!

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