Chapter 11 - Paul

Start from the beginning

"Don't you dare laugh!"

"Graham this is my heartbroken Cousin, Haiden. Haiden this is my smart but super idiotic best bud with a yummy name, Graham." Seth introduced, I held out my hand but Graham just stared at it.

"You're heartbroken and You need a hug, not a stupid handshake! Put that hand down." He pulled me in a hug and patted my back.

"Okay, that's enough, you're stealing my cousin away from me." Seth said with a grin. I chuckled

"Nice to meet you, Graham''

"Same here dude, Just call me Gray for short"

"Welcome to the brokenhearts club, my man! You enjoy yourself, I gotta go!"

He ran out to the dance floor and started to squeeze himself to the middle. I laughed. Yeah, he looked like a sandwich between 2 girls.

I went into the bar to get myself some drink when I saw a familiar girl bawling her eyes out.



"What?" I asked in a whisper as if it wasn't believing what with was hearing

"I broke up with Sarah, I can't stand to see you all clingy to that, Haiden. It breaks my heart in two, love" he explained with a pained voice.

"You should've thought of that before you decided to cheat on me, Paul." I replied. I'm a bit happy but I'm also a bit mad.

"I know, I know, Astrid. Letting you go was the most stupid decision I made. Please take me back," he pleaded on the other line.

"I don't know, Paul, You broke my heart and I don't think it'll ever be the same again,"

"Give me a chance to tend the wounds I made in your heart." He spoke sincerely, "I'm.. Sorry, I'm so Sorry, love. Take me back and I promise I will never let go of you. I will take care of you like you're the most precious gem in the history. I will love you like you're the last girl in the world"

"Don't say it, Paul. I'm not gonna take you back in my life unless you show me just how sincere you are."

"I will, I will show you just how I truly regret leaving you. I love you, Astrid."

"Goodnight." I mumbled. I was about to say I love you but my mouth just wouldn't do it! What the the hell is my problem? I pressed the end call and flopped down to my bed.


"Hey, love!" Paul cheerfully  greeted as soon as I got out of the bus. He kissed my cheek but I felt no spark. I didn't blush too like how Haiden used to always do.

"Hey, yourself too." He smiled and took my hand. It was warm but Haiden's was Warner and comforting. Paul was just warm but it didn't give me the feeling of safety. He also didn't get the books in my hand like how Haiden used to do. Uh! Why does the sentences in my mind always finishes with Haiden?

"How did you sleep last night, love?" Haiden used to ask me that too.

"I didn't sleep a wink," I mumbled

"What was that, love?" He asked softly

"Nothing, uhm, can you please let go of my hand?" I asked as my hand started to get sweaty. I don't feel anything. I miss Haiden already

He let go of my hand, "Oh, Sorry I was just happy to see you, I couldn't help myself."

"It's okay"

Then he smiled, jolly "Do you wanna have lunch later with me?" He asked with a hopeful smile.

"I'll think about it. Please get to your class." I said then walked away in search of Haiden. I walked inside the hall looking left and right to find Haiden.

"Mornin',''I heard his voice from behind. I turned my head to see him smiling at me, I felt a blush crept on my cheeks. "Astrid."

"Good morning, Haiden." I smiled back.

"Dude, what are you doing!" I heard Seth hissed behind him, "Let's go! Talking to the girl who broke you, that's no good." Seth spat looking straight at me. I guess he was angry at how rude I sounded yesterday.

"Stop it, snot. Let's just go." He waved at me before going the other way with Seth. Seth glanced at me with a warning look. He really was mad but I can't blame him. I hurt his cousin, he's family.


"You didn't have to be so harsh, Seth." I told him but I understood him. He is my cousin of course he was worried about me.

"Well she also didn't have to be so harsh when she spat at your face how she was bored and used you for entertainment!" Seth spat like a venom in his tounge. I chuckled to at least lighten his mood.

In the corner of my eyes I saw a person jogging towards me, "Haiden!" Astrid called

Seth grew red, "That girl again?! When will that..!" I placed a hand on his shoulder to calm his raging nerves down.

"It's okay, fat man. Just go to your class I can handle this"

I smiled but I know I'm not convincing anyone, he still walked away in understanding.

I faced Astrid who was running to me and smiled at her. Yep, I still like her.

"Hey there." She said with her palm on her knees

"What do you want?" I asked her a bit rude. She looked up at me in shock probably not expecting me to use the cold tone.

"Here!" She handed me a lollipop. I took it.

"A lollipop?" She gulped and looked at me

"Paul and I are back together"


Am I giving you feels?

Does your heart hurt?



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