Chapter 6

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No one's p.o.v.

Once the thrid phase was over one door was opened and it let the remaining applicants outside.

"Congratulations on escaping Trick Tower everyone. All that remains now are the fourth phase and the final phase." Said the examiner.

"Only two more." Hanzo said.

Lippo pointed to the island behind him and said.

"The fourth phase will take place right over there on Zevil island. Now let's proceed."

He snapped his fingers and someone came in with some weird looking cart.

"To being with I'll need each of you to draw lots now." Lippo said.

Everyone was confused.

"Realy?" Wondered out loud examinee #384.

"Draw lots for what?" Asked examinee #52. "What will that decide?"

Lippo just smirked at them and said.

"Who you hunt and who hunts you. In this box are exactly 25 numbered cards. Which means that one of the numbered cards will correspond with your badge. Now each of you will draw a card in the order you exit the tower. All right which of you was first?"

Examinee #44 was the first one. Then the others slowly all followed.

"Oh hey Killua, (Y/n)?" Gon called out.

"Huh?" Killua responded, (Y/n) just made eye contact with Gon.

"He mentioned us hunting and being hunted. Do you think that means we'll be fighting each other?" Gon asked.

"Yeah probably does." He responded while walking away calmly.

"It was bound to happen at some point." (Y/n) said.

Everyone has finally draw all the cards.

"Has everyone drawed?" Lippo asked. With no response he continued. "Now if you would please go ahead and remove the sticker."

Everyone did that. And they found the number of their target while being someone else's.

"The number that you see is your target." Lippo said.

Most of the examinees that heard that out of fear covered up or completely removed their badges. There were a few that didn't move at all. They didn't even flinch.

"This box has recorded the number each of you drew each card was tallied and then stored in memory. So if you like you could dispose of the cards it makes no difference at this point. The objective is to steal your target ID badge." Lippo explained.

"Good. We don't have to kill each other then." One of examinees said.

"The method is up to you procured the badge however you see fit. But if you kill yuor target you can easily take their badge."

Another examinee agrees with Lippo.

"Listen carefully." Lippo got everyones attention. "Collecting the ID badge of your specific target will earn you three points understand? Your own badge is also worth three points. And all the other badges are worth one point. In order to move on to the final phase you must collect 6 points. So during your time there on Zevil island gather enough to earn 6 points to not fail the exam. Only those who do while clear the fourth phase of the Hunter exam."

The examinees went into the boat that would take them to the island. Then a woman that went by the name of Khara congratulated remaining applicants for passing the third phase also informant them how long will it take to get to the island. Seeing that the mood is completely down she shut up.

Yandere hunter x hunterHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin