𝖎𝖎𝖎. unforgettable eyes.

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SONG JISU STEPPED INTO THE PUBLISHING HOUSE. she admired the interior when a voice interrupted her thoughts. "Miss Song Jisu?" a voice asked and Jisu turned around to see a short woman with short hair and bangs. "It's Dr. Song Jisu," Jisu replied curtly as the woman nodded, as though taking a mental note."Hello! My boss is on his way back from the print shop now. He said he'll be ten minutes late," the woman explained as she led Jisu to the publishing room. "Please wait here for a second," the woman said as Jisu went off to look at Ko Munyeong's discography.

She grabbed the monkfish hand and started to read it peacefully. "Wow, what a sight," a voice brought her attention back to the room, she turned to face Ko Munyeong. "You look beautiful in regular clothes. Like an escort who's here to harass me to pay off my tab. I thought you'd be different, but I was obviously wrong," Ko Munyeong remarked, "How much did he offer?" she asked.

"If you can't talk politely, at least try not to be so cryptic," Jisu frowned, placing the book back in its place, "And look at you talking to me so casually. I practically stabbed you," Munyeong stated, "What about it?" Jisu asked, "How much did Mr Lee offer you to compensate you for that as well as make sure you won't tell anyone about it?" Munyeong asked incredulously.

"I guess this has always worked," Jisu thought aloud, "Verbal consolation is useless. Money is the best," Ko Munyeong said in a matter-of-fact tone. "Not to me," Jisu stated, "Then what do you want? Sex?" Ko Munyeong asked again.

"Is it worth more than money?" Jisu teased as Munyeoung chuckled softly, "Then why are you here? If not for money or sex, what are you here for?" Munyeong asked as Jisu stepped closer to Munyeong. "I was hoping to see --- I was hoping to see you again," Jisu explained, blushing, looking into the depths of her eyes.

"Your eyes, I wanted to see them again," Jisu explained softly, "My eyes?" Munyeong asked, 'Your eyes remind me of someone I knew," Jisu replied, "Who is that person?" Munyeong asked again, "Someone who's messed up and has no conscience. A woman whose eyes utterly lacked warmth," Jisu explained.

"Were you afraid of that woman?" she asked again, "No, the opposite. I liked her," Jisu explained as the two looked into each other's eyes. They stared at each other as if eternities had passed. Two friends if not more reunited at last.

"Are you making a move on me now?" Ko Munyeong said, breaking the silence. "I remind you of the girl in your beautiful memories?" she asked, "You do remind me of her actually. But she was much more prettier than you," Jisu replied.

"Is that so? I'm sure she had an unforgettable face," she told Jisu --- placing a hand right on Jisu's heart. Jisu removed the hand and said simply, "Go tell Mr Lee that I understand how hard his job must be," the Ko girl raised an eyebrow, "What?"

"But he doesn't need to go to such lengths for me so tell him not to call me again," Jisu explained before leaving but was pushed back by Mr Lee. "Aigoo! I'm very late aren't I? The traffic was awful. How about we talk over some sweet beverage?" Mr Lee asked.

"No thank you," Jisu said quickly and was about to leave, "Oh, you're leaving already? Don't forget to get Ms Ko's autograph," the lady reminded as Ko Munyeong started to get all cocky again.

"My autograph?" Ko Munyeong wandered, "Well that's---" "Earlier you asked me to get Ms Ko's autograph for you," the woman piped up. "The spiel about my eyes and that girl in your memories was all for my autograph?" the Ko girl asked cockily, "No," Jisu replied snarkily.

"So you weren't after money or sex. My autograph was what you wanted," Munyeong said moving towards the group "I said no," Jisu reminded, "Gosh this is perfect. We can call this an impromptu fan meeting," Mr Lee beamed "Why don't we drink this---"

"I'll give you one, my autograph," Munyeong cut him off as she went to grab a new book from the box the little woman was holding. "This is my newest book, hot off the press," Munyeong said, "All right, name?" she asked, "Name?"

"Moon Sangtae," Jisu replied, "Who's Sangtae? Is he your nephew?" Mr Lee asked, "No, my friend," Jisu replied, lying smoothly, "I see! Your friend is a fan of hers. Right, Our Munyeong has fans of all ages and nationalities. She has a huge fanbase. Congratulations. Consider these fan goods--"

"Here," she offered as Jisu reluctantly took it "I'll be off," she smiled softly at Mr Lee and the woman. "See you again," Munyeong piped up,  "I don't think so," she quipped before leaving. She could here faintly behind her the calls of Mr Lee.

"Ms Song! Ms Song! Ms Song, please, hold on a second!" she could hear him call. He had grabbed the hand that the Ko girl had stabbed and a loud wince came out of her mouth. "Gosh, my apologies. I'm truly sorry about what happened, so please take this," Mr Lee said as he handed her a box of juice.

 "It's Doctor Song," Jisu said politely, She smiled and took it in before opening the lid to see a box full of 50,000 won. "This is too much for myself," Jisu mused, "Well than you can share it with the people around you," Mr Lee stated as she smiled and held the box out towards the crowd of people.

"Shall I do that?" she asked as the loud protest could be heard from Mr Lee. He had objected to the point of almost falling but Jisu had caught him round the waist. "I don't need this. I'm a doctor and my family is well off. Don't follow me," she warned as she walked off.

       As she walked away from the publishing house, a figure could be seen watching her from beyond. "How pretty --- I want her," Munyeong muttered to herself. Jisu called Gangtae up as she sat in the bus.

"Gangtae, where are you guys?" Jisu asked, "We're eating, what are you doing?" Gangtae asked her over the phone, "I was at Ko Munyeong's publishing house, tell oppa I got her autograph," Jisu smiled as she hung up the phone and flipped the book open to read the note.

Dear Sangtae Oppa,

I hope to see you at my book launching event soon. I'll sign your books and we can take pictures. We'll have lots of fun. Munyeongie will be waiting for you. wink! <3

- Ko Munyeong

"What is wrong with her?" Jisu asked herself as she arrived at the Moon brothers stop. She entered the home and gave the book to Sangtae and watched as he got all excited. Muttering the words that Ko Munyeong had wrote to him. Jisu sighed and just smiled, at least Sangtae was happy.

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