𝖎. interwined destinies.

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SONG JISU GREW UP TO BE A HERO. saving people from their own heads and making sure people could do normal things. She became a psychologist, after graduating from SNU, she joined her first hospital where she dealt mostly with children with trauma and a few other tough cases. Her dad couldn't be any more proud of their daughter --- who had only exceeded their expectation. It seemed as if she almost forgot about her traumatic childhood.  Her life at the new hospital was fun, exciting and very rewarding. Sometimes it was tiring and hard but at the end, when the patient seems to have overcome their obstacles, the smile on their faces meant everything to Jisu.

She had also reunited with some people she hadn't seen in a long time. The Moon brothers. Sangtae was shorter than his younger brother but seemed to like the idea of being Gangtae's older brother and seemed to be much more responsible than when they were kids.  Gangtae on the other hand seemed to be tired all the time. He seemed to wish to let go and enjoy life. But he couldn't, instead, he put on a mask that hid all emotion from everyone. When the two had reunited with Jisu, the three of them instantly became friends again.

She had just started her shift when a new patient was admitted. Her hair tied into a loose high ponytail and her coat primly straightened, Song Jisu grew up to be gorgeous. "Why is he here?" Jisu asked monotonously, "Is he a new patient?" Gangtae asked as well, "He overdosed on alprazolam with his daughter two days ago and came to the ER. He used to get treated for his anxiety disorder," A fellow doctor explained.

"I think he tried to commit suicide with her --- I mean what other explanation is there?" Jisu stated as the doctor agreed. "I think he wanted to kill his daughter and then kill himself," the doctor agreed as Gangtae and Jisu moved to the isolation room and peered through the glass.

The man was frantically trying to break free of the nurse's grip and yelling for his daughter Goeun. "I'll go see the daughter --- is she alright?" Jisu asked, "Fortunately, she threw up right after she took the drug," the doctor explained as Jisu nodded heading to the child psychology department.

When she entered, there was a little girl wearing pink pyjamas and wore her hair in little pigtails. "Hello, are you Goeun?" Jisu asked, sitting in front of the little girl as she received a small nod. Goeun was drawing something when she suddenly stopped to think about something.

"Goeun, what's on your mind?" Jisu asked as Goeun shook her head, "My name is Jisu ok? If you want to speak to me about something please feel free," Jisu smiled softly as Goeun only nodded. Jisu got up and approached a nurse, "Keep an eye on her," Jisu ordered as the nurse nodded and Jisu left the ward for a bit.

Jisu and Gangtae sat in the break room as their hoobae grabbed them cups of coffee. They both stared at the banner that held the familiar Ko Munyeong. Jisu had noticed that Ko Munyeong had grown much prettier. Her eyes were as stoic as before and her face mostly stayed the same.

"Sunbae," the nurse said handing Jisu and Gangtae their cups. "I heard someone puked on you," Jisu stated, "She even slapped me," Gangtae added, "My gosh, you should make sure the day doesn't get worse," Their hoobae sighed

"Kim Seung-cheol, who's in isolation will be sent to the police---" Gangtae was about to say before their Hoobae cut him off, "Yes I heard, I'll take care of it," he smiled as Gangtae nodded, "We had a team dinner last night and we made a bet," Their hoobae suddenly piped up.

"A bet?" Gangtae asked, "Why does Moon Gangtae move from hospital to hospital every year instead of settling down?" Their Hoobae asked as Jisu stifled laughter, "Uhm, I have to go prepare for the event," Jisu interjected quickly before running off.

Jisu was sitting outside enjoying the weather when she could smell the faint scent of smoke from the cigarette. She stood up and wandered around to find the root of the scent. She finally found it when she saw a woman dressed in all black, picking the flowers as well as smoking the cigarette.

"Excuse me," Jisu called politely as the woman ignored her, sighing, she approached the woman, "Can you please---" Jisu asked before being cut off, "This is my last one," the woman said quickly, "No, I don't want one, silly. Can you put it out?" Jisu asked, laughing a bit at the woman's immediate response, "I just lit it up," the woman explained, "Well, you can't smoke here so please put it out," Jisu said, her tone growing stricter.

She took one last drag of the cigarette before standing up, removing her glasses to face the annoying figure who continued to bother her. The two of them locked eyes, Jisu getting lost in those same --- apathetic eyes. Ko Munyeong had not seen those eyes for a long time, those soft, cheerful and joyous eyes.

The flowers fell as the wind blew them away, Ko Munyeong looked at the flowers for a second before turning back to the tall girl in front of her. Song Jisu was not short anymore, in fact the girl almost towered over Ko Munyeong.

"Do you believe in destiny?" Ko Munyeong asked, "What?" Jisu asked, furrowing her brows, "You heard me," Munyeong smirked as Jisu tried to grab the cigarette but Munyeong leaned back to get the cigarette out of her reach..

"Who cares about destiny?" Munyeong asked as she pulled Jisu's coffee cup close to her, "If someone shows up when you need them --- you call that destiny," Munyeong explained, putting her cigarette into the cup of coffee. She smiled at Jisu one last time before grabbing her bags and leaving.

"Wow, that girl has not changed," Jisu sighed, she quickly called the kids centre, "Take Kim Goeun to the reading," she ordered as the other person on the line responded with a yes before Jisu hung up. She returned to the main centre when she heard the same words repeated.

"Seagull 777. I repeat. Seagull 777," the loud voice in the speaker spoke as Jisu's heart dropped, The patient had escaped. She started to quicken her pace and moved to the children's ward. She continued to run everywhere but he was not there.

Her thoughts had trailed to the reading that Ko Munyeong was doing. She moved towards the theatre quickly as she knew the little girl the patient was looking for was in there. As she was going, she ran into Gangtae.

"Goeun is in the theatre go and save her -- I'll deal with the man," Jisu explained as Gangtae nodded and the two ran towards the emergency exit. As soon as the door opened to reveal the little girl, Gangtae held her in his arms.

"Take her away, I'll deal with him," Jisu assured as she ran into the backstage area. She ran backstage to see Ko Munyeong being choked by the man. She quickly ran towards the two. "Mr Kin Seung-cheol!" Jisu yelped pulling him off Ko Munyeong. The doctor and patient fought with each other, turning on all sorts of lights as Jisu finally got the upper hand and started to tie him up. "I'm doing this so you won't get hurt," Jisu explained, nervously as she continued to tie him up.

Ko Munyeong approached the doctor and patient and was about to strike with a knife. Mr Kim turned around waiting for the knife to hit him but instead only felt the dripping of blood. He looked up to see Jisu holding the knife blade as Ko Munyeong held the knife's handle.

and they stared into the eyes of one another once again.

𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐏𝐈𝐍𝐄𝐒𝐒 𝐈𝐒 𝐀 𝐁𝐔𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐅𝐋𝐘 ─ 𝒌𝒐 𝒎𝒖𝒏𝒚𝒆𝒐𝒏𝒈.Where stories live. Discover now