Chapter 45: stuck inside

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"Ok, Be safe." Abby says as the two pull apart.

"I will." Maggie says standing up. Abby stayed on the ground as maggie left. Once the door closed willow had come downstairs.

"Are you ok?" Willow asked abby as she stood up off the bathroom floor.

"Yeah, hungry?" Abby ask willow as she heads to the kitchen.

"Yup, did carol bring us lasagna?" Willow asked jumping up onto a stool.

"Yes she did." Abby says grabbing two bowls.

"Go sit down on the couch and put a movie on." She says motioning to the living room.

Willow jumps down and runs into the living room to start a movie. Abby gets the two of them food and something to drink before coming over and sitting down next to her. The two watched the movie for a while until maggie walked back into the house. Abby immediately stood up and hugged her.

"You're back." Abby says as they hug.

"I couldn't risk you or glenn loosing me." Maggie says as they pull away. Abby smiled as willow looked at them.

"Aunt maggie are you gonna finish the movie with us?" Willow asked her making her smile.

"Yeah." Maggie says as they all walk to the couch and sit down.

Maggie wraps her arm around abby and kissed her head. Abby leaned her head on maggie's shoulder as willow laughed at the movie.

     The next morning abby woke up to carl knocking on her door. "Five more minutes." Abby say rolling over and covering her head with a pillow.

"I just came here to tell you i'm helping my dad train ron today." Carl says sitting on her bed and placing a hand on her back.

"Want me to come with?" Abby asked taking the pillow off her head.

"No, I got it." Carl says as she yawns and nods. He bent down and kissed her head.

"I'll see you later, ok?" He says getting up.

"Ok." Abby says rolling over.

Carl's eyes fell on her stomach. He had noticed her stomach has gotten bigger but didn't want to say anything. Maggie stood in the doorway and sent carl a smile before he headed out.

"You should tell him." Maggie says making abby sit up.

"How?" She asked looking at maggie who walked over to the bed and sat down.

"Privately, He deserves to know." Maggie says as abby looks down at her hands.

"I know, i'm just scared." Abby says with a sigh.

"No matter what happens i'll always be with you." Maggie says grabbing abbys hand. Abby smiled back and placed maggie's on her stomach.

"Kind of crazy there's a human in there." Abby says as maggie smiles. Abby jumped as she felt moving. A huge smile appeared on maggie's face as abby looked worried.

"Don't worry, it's just the baby." Maggie says making abby relax and smile. She was growing a human and it was a very strange feeling.

"Get dressed, I'm on guard in twenty." Maggie says kissing abbys head before walking out. Abby just stared at her stomach amazed at her baby.

"I'll love you no matter what." Abby whispers to the baby. It moved around making her smile.

She then got up to start getting ready. She showered and brushed her teeth before getting dressed. She wore a picked out a soft and baggy dark gray long sleeve button up to hide her stomach, a pair of leggings and her boots.

Her shirt hung off her left shoulder slightly. She then put her hair into a half up half down with a braid before heading downstairs. Maggie had already left and willow was still in her room. Abby knew willow liked to draw in the mornings sometimes so she didn't bug her.

"Mom!" Willow yells running down the stairs, she was already dressed and ready.

She had on jeans, a blue t shirt and her converse. Her hair also sat in a high pony tail. Abby was thankful willow could finally get ready on her own now.

"Can we go on a walk today or something?" Willow asked as abby opened the fridge.

"How about some training?" Abby asked as willows eyes widened with excitement.

"Yes please!" She says as abby let out a chuckle.

"Bows?" Abby says getting out some overnight oats maggie made.

"Yes!! I'll go to olivia's!" Willow says before rushing out the door.

Abby just laughed and started to eat. She rested her hand on her stomach as she ate. Willow had soon returned with abbys bow and arrows just as abby finished eating.

"Alright, come on." Abby says grabbing an apple and her other weapons. They headed to the front the house and abby made makeshift targets.

"Let's see whatcha got." Abby says handing willow the bow. They trained for a while until carl walked by with ron behind him.

"Hey babe!" Abby says as carl walks up to her and kisses her cheek. Carl didn't get to reply as both of their attentions were caught on the tower falling into alexandria.

"Willow go get your axe now!" Abby yells to willow grabbing the bow and arrows from her. Willow just nods and runs into the house as carl, abby and ron all watched walkers pour into alexandria.

"We gotta go." Carl says looking at abby.

"Got it!" Willow yells catching abbys attention.

Abby the grabs willow before starting to run. Carl had a hold on abbys hand the whole time they ran. They caught up with gabriel and michonne.

"Are you guys alright?!" Michonne says pulling abby into a hug.

"We're ok, where's rick and maggie?" She asked as they began to run again.

"Maggie's on the guard tower she's ok, ricks over here!" Michonne says as they start running. Abby killed any walkers that got close to them as they ran.

"Rick!" Michonne yells as they run up to rick. He was helping deanna who had been hurt.

"Good, you're safe. Come on!" He says as they all start running again.

They came to a hard stop as walkers started coming at them. Gunshots caught abbys attention as jessi started shouting walkers.

"Come on! I have judith!" She yells as they all run up to her house. They all get inside and close the door and the blinds. Abby turned and looked at deanna, she had been bit.

"Come on willow, upstairs." Abby says out of breath.

"Are you ok?" Michonne asked abby putting her hand on abbys forehead.

"Yeah, just out of shape I guess." Abby lies, michonne just looks at her.

"Head upstairs with judith." Michonne tells her as abby nod and runs upstairs with willow.

"What are we gonna do?" Willow asked as abby sat down.

"I don't know." Abby says looking at judith.

"I don't know."

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