Chapter Six

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"We need someone to stay and feed the fire," Sam told everyone as he prepared the ingredients.

"I'll stay. You four should go." Giles offered.

"Okay. It's settled then; me, Sam, Willow and Dean are going and Giles is on guard duty." Xander checked, to which Sam nodded and lit the ingredients, causing a portal
to form and a bright light to surround the four going.

Suddenly, Sam, Dean, Xander and Willow landed in a corridor followed by some stairs. Sam and Dean helped the other two up as Sam got out his Angel blade and Dean got out Ruby's knife. Dean also had an Angel blade on him so he handed it to Willow.

"What, so I just don't get a weapon now?" Xander snapped.

"You'll be fine." Dean responded as the four reached the end of the stair case and saw four demons guarding the archway. "Okay, on three;!" Dean said as he jumped out and aimed a stab at the first demon. He dodged it, however, and Dean was thrown across the room.

Sam went for another and managed to trip her up after missing a slice, and stabbed her as she was trying to get up.

Willow froze for a moment, before clumsily running over to one at the far end and attempting a stab, but she was shoved away. She managed to regain her composure and shove him back, stunning him. This allowed her to stab him in the abdomen.

Xander jumped on the demon Dean was previously fighting, which allowed Sam to go in and stab him.

Dean got up and threw himself at the last demon, tackling her to the ground and stabbing her.

"There." Dean finished. "The throne room should be through there." Dean pointed towards a doorway to the left of the archway. They readied their blades and headed in, making sure there wasn't any demons.

"Hello boys." A voice said from close to them. It was Rowena.

"Rowena." Sam greeted. "We need to talk to you." The four were teleported to the throne room, where Rowena was at on her throne.

"What is it?" she sighed. "And who are these two? They're spunky."

"Who are you calling spunky?" Xander snapped.

"It's a compliment, Xander." Willow smiled, suppressing a laugh.

"Oh— I knew that." he said, clears his throat.

"Look, Rowena. We just need answers to some questions." Sam cleared up.

"Go on then! I don't have all day!" Rowena pushed.

"Sagillon." Dean began.

"Ugh, that bitch." Rowena rolled her eyes.

"You don't like her? Then why did you make her a Knight of Hell?" Sam asked.

"I thought I trusted her, so I used a spell of my own devising to turn her into a Knight of Hell. After that, she decided she would be a better leader than me and betrayed me. I cast her out of Hell and I am guessing she's terrorising you." Rowena explained.

"She's possessing a Slayer." Willow told her.

"A what?" Rowena questioned.

"She's superhuman. And Xander's and Willow's friend, so we're helping them get her back." Sam said.

"Interesting." Rowena responded. "Unfortunately, I don't think there's anything I can do to help."

"Can you think of any way to kill her? I mean, last time it was up to Dean and the Mark of Cain and the First Blade. But obviously those are off the table." Sam elucidated.

"That Colt of yours could kill her. You have bullets, don't you?" Rowena suggested.

"The Colt was damaged beyond repair by Dagon. I tried to fix it but I couldn't." Sam clarified.

"Do you have it on you?" she asked.

"Nope." Dean said.

"Well that's just peachy." Rowena snapped. "Can't your friend God make some more?"

"We don't know. He's told us he wants to stay hands off." Sam spoke. Rowena sighed and put her head in her hands. "Look, Rowena. Do you know what she could be planning?"

"I know it can't be good." Rowena uttered. "Wait—" Rowena got up and guided the four to a bookshelf on the right side of the throne room.

"She took a few books out before I turned her." Rowena pondered.

"What were the books?" Xander interjected.

"Some books about The Empty," Rowena told them. "I have no clue what she's planning, but it has to have something to do with them."

"Thank you, Rowena." Sam thanked. "We should get going."

"Alright. Now shoo, shoo!" Rowena exclaimed jokingly.

The four were teleported back to the portal and they stepped through. Another bright light surrounded them and just like that, they were back in the library.

"Rowena thinks she's doing something with The Empty, where demons and angels go when they die." Dean stated to Giles.

"Giles! I killed a demon! Like, a proper demon!" Willow declared happily.

"I helped. Barely." Xander muttered the last part under his breath.

"Alright, next on the list; get Jack to fix the Colt." Sam said, turning to Willow and Xander. "You two should probably turn in."

"No! We can be helpful! We helped kill demons in Hell!" Willow vocalised.

"But you're still kids. You need to be in school for tomorrow." Dean remarked. "Now go!"

"Ugh, fine." Xander responded reluctantly. "Come on, Willow." Before leaving, Willow ran back and have Sam a hug, to which Sam sheepishly patted her back a couple of times. She then let go and caught back up with Xander.

"Is that all you discovered?" Giles sighed, slightly underwhelmed.

"We thought we'd get more." Dean noted. "Y'know, you remind me of someone. Ketch."

"Oooh." Sam replied. "A bit."

"I-I hope this is a good comparison." Giles stuttered.

"Yeah. Ketch was complicated— but in the end, he was a good man." Dean analysed.

"Ah— that's good." Giles smiled. "Well, I really should turn in for the night."

"Go ahead." Sam grinned, to which Giles nodded and walked out of the library. "What do you think Sagillon wants with The Empty?"

"Honestly? Same as Rowena; no idea." Dean rubbed his head. "Come on, let's go."

— —

"Sabathiel?" Jack summoned.

"Yeah?" the informal angel spoke as he appeared around a corner.

"Have you been assisting those demons again?" Jack interrogated, very seriously given his usual demeanour.

"No. I've left that life behind me." Sabathiel said as he lit a cigarette.

"Do not lie to me." Jack scolded, looking deeply into his eyes.

"What? I'm not lying." Sabathiel took a puff from his cigarette.

"Well." Jack smiled ironically. "Sagillon is free. And she's taken books from Rowena."

"And?" Sabathiel shrugged.

"You and Sagillon both have an interest in The Empty." Jack told him.

"We aren't working together. You know I'd never work with that filth." Sabathiel spat.

"Are you sure? You know I know you're lying." Jack pushed.

"Alright. Fine. I am working with Sagillon. And what are you going to do about it?" Sabathiel snapped.

"This." Jack clicked his fingers and Sabathiel disappeared; but he actually sent him crashing down to Earth— in Sunnydale.

Supernatural/Buffy - Darkest KnightWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu