Fight at Starbucks

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(Your) POV

Dan and you left your hotel room and rode the elevator from the fouteenth floor to the first in silence. When you made it outside Dan broke the long silence, "Why don't you like coffee?"

"The smell," you said hastily rolling your eyes. At least Starbucks was right across the street from your hotel.

When you entered the large coffee shop we were stopped by someone that Dan seemed to know. "Hey, Phil. This is (Name). You just missed it. We found out that when we wore wasted last night we got married."

Phil smiles at you in an extremly cute way, "Congratulations! I thought he would only marry a llama or a dinosaur."

You couldn't help but laugh at that. Phil was so sweet and cute.

The three of you walked up to the counter  to order some coffed. When it was your turn to order something, you said, "I don't want any." Phil shook his head and ordered me the same thing he was having. Dan paid for the three coffee, and you guys sat by the window waiting for (Friend).

When your friend finallies walked in couple of minutes later she quickly order her coffee and sat next to Dan. "Wow, (name) is that coffee's yours?" You nod with a fake smile. You didn't even have a sip yet.

"Aren't you going to drink it, (name)? It's really good," Phil said taking a sip of his.

You took a tiny sip. It wasn't as bad as you thought it was going to be. But you didn't want to be side tracked from why you came here in the first place. "Dan, what are we going to do?"

"IDK." Dan said speaking in alien language for you. "That means I don't know. So (Friend), how big is her hatred for YouTubers?"

"Really bad, some days I swear she was going to murder me because all day I spoke about...people. She hates trying anything new."

"Really, so (name) you seem like you're a Miss. Know-it-all. What do you think we should do since you got us into this fucking problem."

"I GOT US IN THIS PROBLEM! YOU'RE HALF RESPONSIBLE FOR THIS MESS! I DIDN'T MAKE YOU MARRY ME AND I NEVER WANTED TO MARRY A JACKASS LIKE YOU!" Everyone was staring but you didn't care. How dare he blame you for this mess. He chose too. You never held a gun to his enormous fat head.

Phil quickly placed his hand on your shoulder telling you to calm down in a cute way. You smiled quietly calming yourself down. You couldn't talk to Dan still because you were afraid your anger would arise and you would start screaming at a murderous level.

(Friend) POV

(Name) is amazing and everything but man do I wish I could have married Dan. I know I'm here to support her but it seems like Phil is doing an extremely good job at that right now. So I decided to support Dan even though I seem cool and calm on the out outside but on the inside I'm fangirling so badly right now.

Dan turned to you while Phil was trying to calm (name) and whispered into my ear, "(Name) said you are a huge fan of British YouTubers and the list includes Phil. Well I was wondering if i was on it."

You was shocked that he asked the question for some fucking reason. "Yes, you are my favorite of all time."

"Nice so I guess you probably wants an autograph and a hug and picture," Dan said smiling in his extremely cute way.

You couldn't help it, you blushed a lot. You didn't answer because you were trying to hide your fangirling. You guess that was enough of an answer for him. "I can do better since we are in this dilemma with your friend and me."

"I-I hope you guys can straighten this as soon as possible." You really wanted this to get figure out quickly so you can marry him when you guys are ready. "Wait why were you and Phil in Las Vegas in the first place?"

"We decided just to be on Holiday after Playlist. That wasn't enough fucking holiday for us. It was Phil's idea. He wanted to go gambling."

"Nice," you sid smiling from ear to ear and your face looked like it wore Santa's coat.

"Umm...guys," (Name) said with a pissed look in her eyes, "Sorry to steal you away from you love fest but I think Dan and I should go to the weddign capel that we were married at."

Phil smiled, "Yes, you two can go and (Friend) and I have things we need to do."

Everyone got up and Phil and you stood outside waiting for Dan and (Name) to climb into the taxi to get on the road of being unmarried.

"(Friend), right, yes okay let's go to the shopping..."

"Mall," (Friend) said interrupting Phil. "What are we going to get?"

"IDK, but let's just stroll and talk. This is a good time to jusst let them make up and hopefully they will be on speaking terms without a screaming match."

"Yay that was fucking bullshit how they acted in there. They were like two year olds trying to kill each other but don't know how except screaming at eachother."

"Nice comparison."

"I know thanks," you said laughing and not soon later Phil joined me as the taxi stopped and brought us to the mall. The whole ride you two just laughed about the whole situation.

Waking Up Married to Dan (Danisnotonfire x reader) (AmazingPhil x reader)Where stories live. Discover now