Miki🩹: I hope you'll like it <3

Mikan thought it was risky to send the heart but decided to be confident and send it, though a moment after she soon began to regret this decision and blushed out of embarrassment.

Booki🎸: Ibuki will love it anyways because it's with you Miki! <33

Now she was blushing in a different way, a smile plastering itself across her face. She needed this date to be perfect!

Miki 🩹: I love being with you too Ibuki <33

Mikan locked her phone and giggled like a high school girl would when thinking about their crush, well she did have a crush on Ibuki. She just wished there was someway to see if Ibuki felt the same or not.

A loud hit on the limousine made Mikan jump and she quickly turned around in fear, Junko had returned and had slapped her hand on the top of the limousine to get Mikans attention.

"Hellooooo!? I've been trying to get your attention for a minute, what the hell are you giggling about?" She raised an eyebrow suspiciously.

Mikan put her phone back in her pocket and waved her hand dismissively, she answered nervously, "O-oh! It was n-nothing!"

Junko rolled her eyes, "Whatever, your personal endeavors mean nothing to me. Get back in the damn car, we have places to go and people to fuck over."

Mikan nodded quickly and got back in the car, beginning to feel uncomfortable as she and Junko sat in a awkward silence. Junko was going through her phone with her sunglasses on.

Mikan wanted to go through hers so at least she had something to do in the silence but was too nervous to move, she only sat there looking at the floor of the limo.

Surprisingly, Junko was the one that broke the silence. "Hey fatso." Mikan immediately sat up and looked at Junko, "Y-yes Junko?"

This surprised Mikan a lot, fatso was the most tame insult Junko had given her, but then again she was used to getting insulted all the time by Hiyoko. This wasn't the only thing that surprised her, however.

Junko never talked to Mikan when it was just the two of them, according to the fashionista, talking to Mikan makes her want to vomit. Which Mikan cant blame her, she always thought of herself as a gross, stupid, human being.

Junko only acted how Mikan expects everyone to act when they're around the nurse.

"Whaddya know about the scene chick?" Mikan tilted her head in confusion, before answering nervously. "Do yo-you mean..Ibuki..?"

Junko raised a brow, "So that's the weirdos name huh." Mikan frowned a little but not enough for Junko to notice, not like Junko notices anything Mikan does.

Mikan could be robbing a bank and Junko's eyes would still be glued onto her phone. "She might pose more of a problem then that Maizono girl, she seems rebellious."

The nurse thought about it and mentally nodded, Ibuki was definitely the type of girl to do things her own way. She seemed pretty pensive about her partnership with Junko, which is pretty much handing over her freedom away.

Mikan thought Ibuki probably didn't even like the idea of doing a partnership with Junko, she most likely only did it cause her higher ups pushed her to do it.

This will definitely aggravate Junko, so much so that Mikan began to worry a little. "You." Junko pointed to Mikan. "H-huh? Me..?"

"You're gonna find out everything you can about this Ibuki Mioda person. I would do it myself but then there'd be no place for you here." She said in her usual sassy tone and then looked back at her phone.

Mikan gulped, and slowly nodded. Not saying a word. She felt herself grow nervous, find out everything about Ibuki?? Why? 'What are Ibuki and I getting ourselves into??' Her thoughts raced.

'What's Junko planning...?'

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Word Count: 1313

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