Chapter 9- To Leesburg We Go

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It’s been two months and Caroline and I are getting along great. She actually moved into my apartment with me a few weeks ago. Kelly and Caroline have come out on the road with me a little and Caroline takes care of Kelly most of the time. Amber has become mostly just a glorified babysitter. I got a call from daddy and he wants me to bring Kelly down for a visit as soon as I can. Since Caroline hasn’t got to work this weekend and I’m not busy either, there’s no time like now.

“Are you packed yet?” Caroline asked me while she put Kelly’s suitcase next hers at the door.

“Almost,” I answered her, “I just have a few things left to pack.”

“You need to be doing that if we are going to be leaving soon,” Caroline informed me.

“I’ll get to it in a minute,” I told her.

“I just will do it,” Caroline said as she started towards the bedroom.

“No! I’ll do it!” I hollered as I took off after her.

“What the hell, Luke? You haven’t packed anything!” Caroline yelled at me as she seen the clothes I had scattered across our bed with my empty suitcase.

“I just have to throw it all in there. It’s not as bad as it looks,” I told her.

“Just go on. I’ve got this,” Caroline said as she shewed me away.

I turned around and checked on Kelly asleep in her room before I went back to the kitchen. I was sitting there sipping on my coffee when Caroline came in with my suitcase packed. I just watched her, admiring how beautiful she was until she looked at me.

“What?” I asked while Caroline made a sour face at me.

“You could start loading my car,” Caroline said as she rolled her eyes at me.

“Let me get my guitar in the case and I will,” I told her, “Wait, I thought we were taking my truck?”

“Seriously? How are we going to fit in your truck with everything?” Caroline asked me.

“Point made,” I said as I snapped the case with my guitar tucked safely inside.

I started packing Caroline’s car for the trip to Leesburg as she got Kelly up, dressed, and ready to go. As I packed the last bag into the trunk Caroline was walking towards the car with Kelly in her arms. It was probably the most precious thing I had ever seen. The way they took to each other was simply amazing.

“Will you go double check to make sure we haven’t left anything and lock the door?” Caroline asked me as she got Kelly buckled up into her carseat.

“Yeah. Is there anything else we need from the house?” I questioned.

“No. I’m pretty sure everything is packed,” Caroline said as I started towards the door to our apartment.

I checked and we hadn’t forgot anything. Actually, it was all Caroline. She hadn’t forgot anything. I would have left my brain if it was possible. I went back down to the car and we were on the interstate heading to Georgia in a matter of minutes. It was supposed to be a seven hour drive home, but with Kelly it turned into a nine hour drive. We left Nashville at nine in the morning and pulled into daddy’s driveway at six that evening. I was completely exhausted, but Caroline and Kelly were wide awake since they slept almost the entire ride down.

“Glad you finally made it,” Dad said as we walked in the front door.

“Me too. I’m completely exhausted,” I told him as I sat Kelly down on the floor.

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⏰ Última actualización: Mar 05, 2015 ⏰

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