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"Heeee!? What the fuck—!?"

"Hngh..." you groaned, pushing away Miu and rubbing one of your eyes. "Can you shut the fuck up, Miu? It's too early for your bullshit."

You had just woken up and stumbled out of bed not too long ago. For some reason, the day had you tipsy and extra tired than usual, and you were hardly able to think in a straight line. Were you even straight?

When you stumbled out of your room, you ran straight into Miu's torso; well, more of what would've been her torso. You could guess where that led you. It wasn't very awkward, and you just stumbled a bit away from her with a groan. So, that was where you were now.

"Psh—! Whatever, you fuckin' pleb," she scoffed with a scowl. "Miu Iruma and her genius-ness got some great news for ya, though!"

"Well, Miu Iruma, I'm all ears," you replied, yawning.

"My super amazing, bad-ass lab is final-fucking-ly up!" she boasted, giving you a thumbs up. "After we go to the dining hall, you and your small ass should hang out with me there together."

"Psh, my ass is not small, thank you very much." you scoffed, crossing your arms with a dramatic huff. "Also, how come you've become so, uh, friendly with me recently...?" As much as you wanted to trust Miu, you were in a game of murder and suspicion. It was quite normal for you to be so skeptical.

"Huh!?" she stuttered, her mouth foaming a bit in her worry — for whatever reason. Miu and her weird physics were definitely confusing to you. "A-Are we not friends!?"

     "Erm... uh... yeah, uh, heh, we're friends, Miu. Sorry for... the... um... misunderstanding...?" you awkwardly stuttered, questioning your own response. Miu extremely confused you. You had only talked, like, once; where did she get that impression? You weren't complaining, though. "But, erm, anyway, we should hurry to the dining hall... heh." you slowly and awkwardly walked past her, making a motion with your hand to have her follow you.

     You pushed open the glass doors to the dormitory and said, "After you, Ms. Inventor," slightly bowing down with a playful wink.

    "Heeee!?" she squeaked, foaming in her mouth, scowling, and slowly walking out the doors. "Y-You have to stop doin' that, you fucking weird-ass!"


     The wind gusted through your hair as you ran, hand in hand with Miu Iruma. Her hands were rough and clammy, but yet still comforting. She was panting to your side, struggling to catch up. You weren't exactly the best runner, but as a boost of confidence, a rush of adrenaline was pulsing through your veins. She stumbled and repeatedly swore under her breath, though her voice was hardly audible over the wind flapping near your ear. "Where the fuck are we going!? We're safe, y'know!"

     Your eyes stared forward, lost in thought and ignoring the repetitive questions from your friend. "Let's make it to the dining hall before everyone else," you said, quickly making up an excuse so you could keep thinking about what you witnessed the night before. "I'm sure Kirumi made some really good food, don't worry. You don't wanna miss that, right?"

     You didn't care enough to listen to her reply, instead choosing to listen to the thoughts and ideas pouring through your mind. You needed a plan, and that was all you had to set your mind to.

     Kaede and Shuichi likely had some kind of plan to catch the mastermind. What would they do if they found out the dust was to be missing? They'd need something planned, right? Perhaps you could be of assistance to the in that aspect.

𝗞. 𝗢𝗨𝗠𝗔: 𝗧𝗢𝗫𝗢𝗣𝗛𝗜𝗟𝗜𝗧𝗘Where stories live. Discover now