(S1) Chapter 1 First meet

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"Good morning babes" said the elder sister Eunhae while waking up her younger sister minjae.

"yeah, just five more minutes" - said minjae . " no min , have you forgot today is our first day of new school ...now wake your ass up and get ready for school" 

" oh my.... i totally forgot " -  minjae run toward the washroom in a flash of light .


Eunhae started making breakfast for them ...

{time skip after 20 min}

Minjae came downstairs after getting ready for school and have her breakfast with Eunhae.

After breakfast , they wear their shoes and start going towards their school with their cycles

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After breakfast , they wear their shoes and start going towards their school with their cycles.

{time skip after reaching school} 

Then both parked their cycles in front of school building and enter the school gate. 

They  enter the principles office , took their schedules and move towards their classroom with their homeroom teacher.

In class :-

Mr.lee(homeroom teacher)-good morning class ,  today 2 more students are going to join your class so behave nice with them , you can come in girls " he ordered them

Eunhae and minjae entered the class with a bright smile and wave their hands to all of them 

Mr. lee - "introduce yourself girls" . Eunhae bowed and said with a sweet voice -" hello everyone , i am Eunhae , nice to meet you guys and i hope we can get along " 

when Eunhae was introducing herself minjae's eyes traveled to the boy whose head was down like he was sleeping in the last row , she thought that why he is not paying attention to the class ; anyways , now it was minjae turn to introduce herself .

"hello everyone , nice to meet you , i am minjae  eunhae's sister , i hope we can be friends " said minjae with her calmed voice with a bright smile.

Mr.lee welcomed them and told them to sit wherever they want ; there was only 2 seats left one beside a boy who was sleeping in the last row and one in the middle row .

Eunhae take the seat in the middle row and minjae take the seat in the last row .

{The class starts }

Eunhae thought of talking to her partner so she move her head to the right side and stare at the boy's side profile for a minute .

{Eunhae's POV} 

" Oh MYYYYYY.....is he an angel....how can someone be so beautiful , oh my goodness......"

{End of Eunhae's POV}

Like she was almost drooling over him . she came out of her thoughts when he said" done staring at me ?" he said without looking at her  " U-um no , I-i wasn't staring.....BTW i am eunhae your desk mate and you are?." she extend her hand for a handshake but he didn't even glanced at her and said " Kim taehyung" . she felt embarrassed and take her hand back and replied "umm will you be my friend?"

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