Suddenly happy again "Isn't that lovely of you"

|End of Flower Shop Moment|

"I know the term Bridezilla but, I don't think that's it" Candice explains

Crying I apologize "I didn't mean to be rude, I just what everything to be perfect" 

"We understand, I will put this through and it should be ready"

Candice and I walk out, getting into the car

"Your pregnant aren't you"She says looking over at me

Acting like a fish out of water, I run that question over and over again

"No way"I gasp 

"Only one way to tell"She winks "I'm a aunt again"She squeals booking it out of the parking lot


Out walks Candice with three bags and the happiest smile

"What the hell?!"I laugh as she gets in

"Lots of water in two bags, so start drinking. And a bag of tests"

"Why so many"I chuckle taking the water

"To make sure"

"Oh boy"I drink

"What if it is a boy! And omgosh! Charlie would be the best big sister!" 

"She would"I smile at the thought

"We are heading to my hotel room, so sit tight and drink"


"It's negative"I sigh 

"Take another one"

"Candice I love you but, that's the 7th one. I have no pee left, I am just fat" 

"I really thought you were"She sighs sitting on the bed

"I know, me too"I stand up "I should get going. Charlie's daddy date is almost over and I want to take a nap at home"

"Alright, I love you"She hugs me

"Love you too, bye babe"I reply walking out


"It's a boy!"The doctors smiles

Sobbing in my hands, I smile

When I took the first test, it was the strongest double line ever. I wanted to share it with Nick before anyone else so I faked the rest of the tests.

Using old contacts, I got in to see a obgyn. Turns out, I was almost 13 weeks and could do a blood test to find out what I was having

Getting on vitamins and taking notes from the doctors as best as I could, I was planning in my head the best way to tell Nick. The wedding would have to be pushed back, mentally making a note to apologize to the workers, but, it's worth it. Feeling the what ifs come up, I push them away. They are not ruining this moment for me. I head to Baby Boom to grab the perfect items to tell Nick, we are pregnant.


Texting Nick that only Charlie comes in, I hear her laughter at the door, as I open

"Hi Princess!!"I cheer

"I ride pony mommy!"She squeaks

"Was it fun?"I ask her closing the door leading her to the empty room between us and her

"Yes, lots!"

My heart feeling like it could burst, I get ready. Telling Charlie where to stand and stay. Taking her hand, I place it on my tummy

"You have a brother in here"I cry

"Baby?"She laughs

Nodding, I hug her tight "You are a big sister"

"Baby!"She screams in happiness

"Yes and we are going to tell daddy now, OK?"

She giggles "We are going to tell daddy"

Fixing her hair, I pick up my phone. Calling in Nick, I have him find us. Trying to keep Charlie quiet was a lot hard than I thought

"Charlie! Honey!?"Nick yells

"In here daddy!"Charlie yells

"Shhhh"I whisper "We are hiding"

She nods her head and whispers loudly "We hiding"

Hearing his footsteps coming closer, I stand up. I walk over the door, pulling out my camera and start filming. The door knob twists and opens

"DADDY!"Charlie squeals "You found me" 

In walks Nick confused "What are you doing in here?"

"Daddy, mommy have baby!"

Stepping in fully still confused, he looks over at her

Stepping in fully still confused, he looks over at her

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"We are pregnant"I smile through my tears as he turns around looking at me

"A baby boy?"He tears up

"Yes!"I happy cry "Charlie is a big sister!"

"Omgosh baby"He kisses me while spinning us around

Laughing at him, I feel two tiny hands behind me. Looking Charlie tries to hug the both us

"We did it, we actually did it"Nick whispers against my cheek


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