"He speaks the truth," at Aro's Words the Room Went quiet again everyone shocked.

If what this vampire said is true, then that means that..April... Is a...witch!

But that just can't be, April can't be A Witch!

"It makes sense, Alice." Edward Said looking to me. "With everything that's been going on with April since her birthday. it makes sense, and From what I just saw From Aro-" He was cut off By Jane.

"My mate is no Witch!" She Hissed.

"Jane dear, If you could see what I just did, You would be saying differently." Aro said.

"Aro, What exactly did you see?" Sulpicia asked.

He turned to his wife. "This Clarissa, Is with no doubt A Witch. But her being a witch is the least of our problems."

"What do you mean brother?" Didyme asked.

"This witch. she's building an army-"  He was cut off By Caius.

"What kind of army!?" He leaned forward in his throne.

"From what I could see..It's an army of  Vampires," aro answered.

The Room went quiet again.

Vampires? a vampire army! Why is she building a vampire army!? And how!?

"For April." Edward Said so faint it was almost a whisper, But there was a hint of a growl in the back of his throat.

Everyone turned and looked at him Confused.

"What do you mean for April? Edass." Jane asked Eyes dark And full of venom.

Edward looked at her and chose to ignore the Name. Then looked to me.

"This Clarissa woman. She's building An army for April," he said Causing everyone to Growl.

Before anyone could say anything Edward spoke again.

"From what I could see in the vampires mind, She's building this army To get to April And she has been from what I could see for a long time," he said.

"How long?" Marcus Asked.

"Years, brother." Aro said.

"Years!? How are we just now finding out that there's a vampire army being built!?" Caius asked Clinching the Sides of his throne.

"That, I do not know, Brother." Aro answered.

"let me get this Right. There is a crazy witch Building a vampire Army and she's coming after my Daughter. that is currently missing!" Rosalie Hissed.

"Yes. That appears to be correct," Aro said.

"And what do we plan to do about this!?" Jane asked. "My mate is missing! we don't know where she is!? or if she is Ok!? And now to top it all off, There's a vampire army being created Coming after MY APRIL!"

"Jane, sweetie, calm down." Athenodora said.

Jane looked to her. "I will calm down when my mate is back in MY ARMS SAFE!"

"That girl Will never be safe as long as  Mistress Is around." The vampire said. " And the best thing that you could do, is to get rid of the girl also!"

With those words the vampire fell to the ground screaming.


"Jane dear I think hes had enough," Aro said. "Let him go."

I could tell Jane didn't want to. but with a loud growl she let him go.

"And I thought Mistress Was cruel and painful." The vampire whispered getting up from the ground.

"careful what you say young vampire, you may get yourself a one way ticket back down to the ground." Marcus Said.

"let him keep talking!" Jane growled.

The vampire looked from Jane to Aro. " You can go ahead and kill me. I don't care, You'll be doing me a favor by putting me out of my misery. I did not ask for this life, And since The day I awoke like this I have wanted nothing more than To be set aflame."

"Is that truly what you wish?" Aro asked.

The vampire nodded. "Yes, you got all the information you need out of me, There's no use for me anymore, I would rather die Then keep hurting innocents."

"There's another way for vampires To live without hurting humans." Carlisle said. "You can live off animal Blood, me and my family do."

The vampire turned and looked to him. "I would still rather die, When I was human I was vegetarian, I did not believe in the killing of innocence of any kind, whether it be human, or animal, And since the day I was brought into this life I have wanted nothing more than to Be rid of it!"

Carlisle slowly nodded. "I'm sorry that you have been brought into this life against your will."

"Do not feel sorry for me, it is all of you you should feel sorry for." The vampire said.

"And why's that?" Marcus Asked.

The vampire looked to him. "Because once I'm gone, I'm not going to have to fight in The battle to come, Unlike all of you."

"There will be no battle!" Caius Hissed. "We will put an end to this woman! and her so called army, before it gets that far!"

The vampire looked to him. "You can try, But if you could see what I have seen, and what I have been through, you would know that it won't be that easy."

"We'll see about that!" Caius growled.

The vampire looked back to Aro And got on his knees in front of him.

No words were said, and Aro Grabbed the vampire by his head.

"You have seen what I have seen, you know what is to come, and You know you don't have much time..You need to prepare yourself, And your army, If you want to stand at least a fighting chance!" With those last few words Aro   Ripped the vampire's head from his body.

"Aro?" Sulpicia Asked.

Aro Through the vampire's head on the floor next to his body then turned to his wife.

"There is much that we must discuss,"  He said firmly. "First, being young April,"

Writer's note: Hey guys! I hope you like the chapter! Let me know what You think? And sorry that it's been a few days I took a break. but I'm back! :)

You kept me waiting Long enough Jane volturi's mateWhere stories live. Discover now