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𝑯𝑶𝑾 𝑪𝑨𝑵 𝑰𝑻 𝑩𝑬 that I am only one measly day into junior year and I am already behind on work? As I was leaving English last period, Mr. Underwood asked us all to hand in our summer work–what?–as we left the room. Naturally, I tried to burst out of class to avoid facing the inevitable, but he stopped me before I even made it to the door. That turned into a fifteen minute lecture regarding why I may have chosen to not complete my summer work, and then the steps I'm going to need to take from now on to improve my grade. I had no answer for him. He wasn't going to accept the truth that I just simply forgot, but it didn't matter. I bullshitted an apology, claimed I would do better, and sprinted out of there. Of course it was hopeless, though. I was already late to High School Musical auditions.

When I threw open the auditorium doors screaming and praying I wasn't too late, everyone's eyes landed on me. Granted they were only theatre kids so I wasn't terribly uncomfortable, but it wasn't a feeling I was used to unless I was on stage. I tumbled through the aisle of the theater, guitar case in hand. Carlos Rodriguez made some snarky comment to Miss Jenn that I couldn't hear due to my feet pounding up the stage left staircase, but I was grateful I didn't. By time I made it on stage, I was panting like a thirsty dog.

"Have a seat, honey," Miss Jenn sweetly smiled at me, which was comforting, and pointed to the group of kids I stood before. I spotted Nini right away, so I fell to my knees and crawled beside her.

"Late already, Ricky?" she scolded me in a whisper as I crossed my legs.

"Underwood kept me after class," I resorted to the abridged version of the story. "What did I miss?"

"The dance warm up," Nini answered, shuddering as she remembered. "I don't wanna talk about it."

I gave the girl a pat on the back. "I'm sure you crushed it," I lied. Nini isn't the greatest dancer.

"Yeah, and I'm sure you're gonna have to do your own little dance solo for Miss Jenn once we're done," she snickered.

"We'll see about that."

          As the audition went on, Miss Jenn would call names and the person summoned would perform their chosen song. Nini gave a stunning rendition of "Start of Something New," leaving the room speechless. Gabriella was on lock for her; she was born to play that role.

Towards the end of the audition process, Miss Jenn called EJ Caswell's name. He stood up from the crowd of kids that were practically attached to him and cockily made his way to center stage. "I know a few people already went with this, but here we go," he straightened his posture, Miss Jenn whispering to Carlos with a big grin on her face. Of course his charm was already captivating her.

𝐓𝐄𝐄𝐍𝐀𝐆𝐄 𝐃𝐈𝐑𝐓𝐁𝐀𝐆 [ricky bowen] Where stories live. Discover now