Sickness of the prince

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August 3 1543

It was the afternoon as the cold air filled England, it was the time for me to start dressing warmly and keep myself warm. Being a princess now means I get more stuff to keep warm and better Stuff. Must say even as a lady, I did get good stuff for my father being king. But now Everything is different, my father is re married and his health is low but I pray to god will save him.

I walked down the hallway as my ladies follows me down, I see Elizabeth in Edwards room I assume to get him up. I walk to Elizabeth "hello Elizabeth, what are you doing?" I questioned her. "I'm going to wake up Edward it's not usual for him to be sleeping this long." She stated. "Then I'll join you waking him up." I said as we both walked to his bed. Elizabeth tried waking him up, as I felt his head. "Oh my." I said worried, "what is it Ella?" She looked at me worried. "I think he has a fever his head is so warm." I said. Elizabeth Panicked and screamed "LADY BRYAN COME QUICK!" She yelled. I took the covers off him To Release some of his body heat. Lady Bryan ran in "whats wrong your majestys?!" She looked worried. "I think he's sick! He's warm!" I said as I looked at her. "Get the physician!" She said. Me and Elizabeth ran out as she took care of Edward.

I told Elizabeth to get them as I went to tell Henry.
I ran to the door as a guard stood still. "Let me in I need to speak with the king!" I Begged the man in panic. "I'm sorry princess Ella but he's in a very important meeting and ask not to be disturbed. "But It's about the prince that's more important!" I said as I pushed through and opened the door. Everyone looked at me as I looked at Henry in panic. "Why did you disturb us Princess Ella?!" Henry said in a very angry tone. I struggled to put my words out and just said. "It's Edward, me and Elizabeth went to wake him up for he was sleeping to long. I felt his head and he was all warm. I think he's sick!" I said In a very worried tone. Henry stood up Motioning The meeting was over for now, he stormed out as I followed him. "What time did you Wake him up Ella." He said with a straight tone. "About a hour ago, the man wouldn't let me in so I pushed myself away." We walked into the room as physicians worked and tried there very best to keep him healthy. Henry kneeled down and prayed to god to heal him, for he was his only son.

Me and Elizabeth stood there worried, he was are half brother And the kings only son. The physician stated "he looks to have a cold. I never seen one like this but there is a high chance he will make it." He said as he gave him medicine. Edward took the medicine and Henry sighed in relief. "Thank god." He said. I stood there in some what jealousy, I knew he had to for he was the next heir, but still I was one of his second oldest child. Me and Elizabeth stepped out and stood there talking about what had his happened, Henry walked out and we both curtsied. "Thank you both girls for telling me sooner." He smiled. "Your very welcome your majesty" I said smiling. "We both want Edward To be a healthy prince and as are brother." Elizabeth stated smiling. Henry nodded and walked off back to his work, I looked at Elizabeth "I must head back to where I was heading. Come find me if you need me." I hugged her as I walked away as my ladies followed me.

I walked into my chamber and sat in front of the fire place, as my ladies sewed. I sighed and said "I know it's foolish for me to say this and feel this.. but I sometimes wish that The king cared for me Elizabeth and Mary more..." I looked down to my hands. My ladies in waiting just looked at me not knowing what to say. "I always wanted a loving father, who would Be worried sick as if I fallen ill..but if I ever did he would only order for Me to be saved.." I said and held my tears as I felt them trying to escape my eyes. "I still believe in my heart... he still loves my mother Anne.. I just know he thinks of her when he looks at me and Elizabeth, because we are the only thing left of her." I said as I wiped the tears that had fallen down. "Your majesty, if I may say this..." one said. I nodded waiting for there response. "I've seen his majesty Care for you and Elizabeth And Mary. To me I believe he's trying to make it right and care for you all like the prince.." she said in a soft calm tone. I cried as I looked at the already night sky... "I'm heading to bed.." I said as I stood up. My ladies stood up and put all the candles off, as I laid in my bed crying my eyes until there was no more tears left..

Authors note:

Hey! I'm so sorry I have not posted it updated this in a while. But I've come back to this gladly I also wanted to say thank you for 101 views! It really means so much to me, and I love the support of it!!
I love you all ❤️❤️

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