Royals once more

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July 18 1543

Cathrine married Henry the 8th on July 12, so not long ago. And some how she managed to Convince him to make me and Mary and Elizabeth into the line of succession again. Which makes us Princesses again, oh how I loved that I had a new Chamber more lady in waiting's and everything a princess should have. I had crowns and oh I enjoyed it, I could feel how proud my mother was of me and Elizabeth. Though we would all have to wait to become queen and maybe never because of Edward. But I won't mind I love being a princess.

I walked down the hallway as people bowed and curtsied to me, I loved that feeling knowing my power and Seeing them Looking to the floor. I entered Cathrines chambers and curtsied "your majesty" I said as I smiled. "Ah, Princess Ella.. How can I help you!" She smiled so warmly. "I just wanted to say thank you for convincing my father for putting us back into the line of succession. It's hard to make him do such things." I said smiling "your welcome, my dear I'm glad to see you and the others happy." She said. "I will go now, I see you have some things to do I won't keep you much longer." I said and curtsied and walked out.

I walked down and saw Edward. I smiled and curtsied "Edward, how are you?" I said. "I am good Princess Ella. And how are you?" He said smiling. He as grown a bit now and can speak wonderfully and with other languages. "I am doing well. Please just call me ella, we may be half related but still your my brother." I smiled "okay then Ella" he smiled
"I will let you back to your lessons!" I said as I walked away. I was the most happiest person in the world, knowing That this is how my mother felt when she was queen. Though I miss my uncle grandfather and aunt. I knew they where still watch over me. I never knew what happened to my aunt though.

I walked and saw Mary Praying I decided not to disturb her praying and continued to walk down. I saw Elizabeth and walked up to her. Elizabeth was practicing dancing. "Elizabeth how are you?" I said smiling. "I'm am wonderful Ella. Now being princess I can dance more and get more wonderful classes from his majesty." I smiled back as Henry walked in "I'm glad you both are happy.. it's for the best." We both curtsied "your majesty" we both said. "I wanted to see how your lessons are going Elizabeth." He said looking at her. "Wonderful your majesty, now I can have better and learn tons more then anyone can ever learn. I thank god and you that you are here to be able to give such wonderful gifts and be so kind." Elizabeth said smiling. "I am glad you like it Elizabeth. And you Ella? How are your art classes?" He looked  to me. "Amazing I have learned such amazing art skills such As new poses and much more. I thank you your majesty." I said "good. I will leave you guys be now." Henry said as he limped out.

Henry has been giving us gifts ever since we became titled as princesses. Is he trying to make up for what he has done to are mother? Or is he just being nice and getting old?  I danced a bit with Elizabeth and we both giggled, Elizabeth always had the dancing skills from are mother and it was adorable. I mostly got my mothers Words and smartness. As I got Henry's Eyes and some what temper.

I apologize for having this being short! But I hope you enjoy this so far :)

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