The last beheading

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As I stood around and listened to the conversation, I felt nervous. For I knew the consequences, it was dangerous move. "Go on tell me then" Henry said as he seemed in a worried and angered tone. "We have found out the queen, as been sleeping with another man. For I believe for the whole marriage" he said. I gasped as I continued to listen more. I could tell Henry had a angry face on, just from not seeing but feeling it. "Lock her into her room for further notice. And have her ladies tell info about the affair.." he said in a a very angry tone. Before the men walked out I ran to her room just to see what would happen.

I went into her chambers to see her and her ladies dancing, I played it off by smiling and watching them dance. I admit I'm kinda nosy but still, the men walked in and Kathrine the ladies and me looked At him. "Kathrine it has come your marriage to the king has become invalid and void. You will be held to your chambers until further notice. Your ladies will be taken and questioned, lady Rochford will stay to accompany you." Kathrine look Afraid after her ladies where strapped away as they screamed "your majesty!" "Lady Ella I advise you to leave." I looked at the man "no I shall not, for I am staying to keep her company.." I said. the man nodded and walked away. And locked the doors, Kathrine started to cry "Did you tell them?! Did you tell them lady Ella?!" She cried so hard to the point it was hard to speak. "I swear on my life I never did, Kathrine! I've kept my promise like I said." I said afraid for her life. I sat down thinking, as a man walks in "lady Ella I'm going to question you, for no harm will come to you for the king will be furious if something happened to you.." I looked at Kathrine and nodded. " I'll be back Kathrine." I said as I followed the man.

I sat in a cold room in front of the man as others stood behind him. "The last time I did this was for your mothers lady in waiting's I must say.." I sat there worried, "anyways let's get to the point... Kathrine Howard, accused of Adultery, and cheating on the king and other things... tell me lady Ella. Is this true? If you tell the truth no harm will be done." He said. Tears fell down my face "I was walking down the hallway one time.." I said as I cried more. "I saw a man who was named Thomas, worked for his majesty took care of him. He walked out of her room." I said as more tears fell down. "I could tell he was not there for business, his shirt was messy.. then I found out... he told me not to tell anyone.." I wiped my tears but still hopelessly cried more. "Then?" The man asked. "Then I saw Kathrine, she found out I knew and told me to keep it a secret.. but I knew it was bad." I started to mix my words in fear for her and myself. "But to me she was still a queen... you have to listen to the queen.. right?... she continued to see him as lady Rochford and some others helped her keep it a secret..." I looked at the man "that's all to my knowledge..." I said crying as men took notes  behind him. "Thank you lady Ella... these notes will be shared to his majesty..." I nodded and walked out of the room.

I walked back into Katherines  room crying. "Why happened lady Ella?!" Kathrine said still crying. "They made me tell them the truth and for what happened... I'm sorry I couldn't I was so scared.." I said crying. Kathrine knew she was doomed, and had no hope sadly... for when I was gone she was questioned as well.. two men walked in, "Kathrine you are by here arrested For Adultery during your marriage with the king. You will be taken to your cell and decide on your date to be beaded." I spring up hearing that. As I ran out running to Henry as fast as I could, no I couldn't I can't let someone beheaded for the same things as my mother.. this isn't right at all. I cried as I tried to look for him "FATHER!" I ran and ran until I found him.

Henry looked at me "what is it?!"  Please don't say it's true!" I got onto my knees crying as tears fell down. "Don't say it's true at all.. you Promised Not you do that ever again!" I said mixing my words full of tears and worried. "Lady Ella! I had no choice! FOR SHE DID WAS WRONG!" He yelled in anger. "Please I beg you! She's so young! Never meant harm  or anything!" I begged so hard to where I felt useless. "Lady Ella! You listen to me! Not as father BUT AS KING" I stopped crying and stood up. "It's just like mother all over again..but she never did it!" I ran out as tears just fell.

As I was walking down a hallway I hear "YOUR MAJESTY, PLEASE" I looked and saw her begging to Henry as she was dragged to be sent to her cell.. Elizabeth walked up and looked at me. "Just like mother again..." she had a very sad tone heartbroken, I knew she loved Kathrine as a stepmother and a playmate. I nodded as I walked back to my chambers. I entered my room and got to my bed side and prayed, I begged god to help and asked my mother to protect Kathrine for the after life. I stood up and sat down on a chair and sighed, I had no hope... Henry never felt like a father... but just a king. I called him father only when I was happy angry or sad... but I wanted a normal father who cared for me.. and not ever wanting a son so hardly.

It's been months now, Kathrine was beheaded on February 13, 1542. Henry was looking at a new lady who was a widow if I believed.. Henry definitely loved her, me Elizabeth and Mary and Edward both liked her for she was kind to all of us and treated us the same as much as she could.

Henry came to us children with her and said he had news...

Wait for the next chapter!

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