Chapter 5

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Credits to InquisitorMaster for the picture (I think)


Charli: "Do you have a date yet?"

Levi: "No I'm planning on going alone. Aren't you going with Light?"

Charli: "No Light's going with Pink Charli. But here." *gives Levi a note and leaves*

End Of Flashback.

Levi opened the note.

Hey Levi,

Will you be my date for the dance? Please circle yes or no.

Yes  No

Levi's POV: She wants to go to the dance with me? I can't say no this would make it easier for me to confess!

Levi circled yes and gave the note back to Charli.

Charli POV: Yay! He wants to be my date for the dance! This is the perfect way to make Light jealous. At the same time I have kind of started to catch feelings for him..

Alex: "Earth to Charli!"

Charli: "Oh sorry I zoned out!"

Jade: "So what did he say?"

Charli: "He said yes!!"

Alex: "Well Jade and I are going shopping for outfits wanna join us?"

Charli: "Of course!"

The girls ate lunch and then went shopping. They picked out their outfits for the dance and loved how they looked. The boys had also gone shopping but had returned home and where currently eating lunch.

Jax: "So who are you guys going with to the dance? I'm going with Sora."

Sora: "Jax."

Light: "Pink Charli."

Jax: "Light your going with the walmart version of Charli?" -.-

Light: "Yeah she's way more attractive than the other Charli."

Jax: "Wow. Charli is probably really sad."

Levi: "She will be fine after all she's going with me."

Jax: "Charli and Levi? New ship?"

Levi: "Oh shush."

Back to the girls...

Alex: "Phew that shopping was sure tiring."

Jade: "It was worth it though."

Charli: "Anyways who are you guys going with?"

Alex: "Myself."

Charli: "Oof. How about you Jade?"

Jade: "A dead rat." •_•

Charli: "Okay then.."

Alex: "I still can't believe the dance is tomorrow!"

Jade and Charli: "I know right."

Alex: "Alright we are home. I'm going to my room."

Jade: "I'm going to go cook rats. Bye."

Charli: "Alright. Bye guys!"

Charli POV: I'm so excited for the dance I can't wait! I just hope there is no drama between me and Pink though.

Is He Really Just a Friend? A Charli x Levi FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now