Chapter 2

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Credits to whoever made this picture!

Multiple days after the Light and Pink Charli incident, Charli was lost in her feelings. She didn't know what love was supposed to feel  like, so she went to her best friends for advice.

Charli: "Alex! Jade! I have a question for you.."

Alex and Jade: "What is it?"

Charli: "What is love supposed to feel like?"

Alex: "Well I think love is when you feel a strong sense of empathy towards someone."

Jade: "Yeah like if when you feel someone's pain as your own and being willing to sacrifice anything for them." (totally didn't use google for their answer)

Alex: "Why are you asking? You in love or something?"

Charli: "Well I just never really stopped and thought about love is. Light clearly never has shown me any love.."

Jade: "Maybe it's time to move on from Light."

Charli: "Yeah but who would like me?"

Alex: "Levi seems to care for you a lot."

Charli: "Really??"

Jade: "Have you not seen the looks he gives Light and Pink Charli in the hallway?"

Charli: "No but speaking of Levi, I actually have to go meet him. I better get going. Thank you so much guys!"

Jade and Alex: "No problem!"

Charli POV: It really must be time to move on. I didn't notice that Levi cared about me that much. Do I really see him as a friend? Am I in love?

Charli was walking to the café but she bumped into someone. She thought she was going to fall but the person caught her.

??: "Watch where your going doll."

Charli: Huh? Levi?! *blushes*

Levi: *Laughs* Lets go get some food.

Is He Really Just a Friend? A Charli x Levi FanfictionHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin