"wait so I'm staying in a small tour bus with a bunch of strangers for a couple months?" i said with a nervous and very confused face " izuku I know this sounds bad but we will have a couple weeks to get to know them before the first shared concert with them and in that time you guys can think of some song ideas for the album the management wants you guys to make" she said reading the last part rather quickly that I almost didn't pick up on what she just said. my face went pale. i hate sharing my music ideas with people until the song was perfected with the correct beats and catchy lyrics that all moved perfectly with each other. wich is the reason that I haven't done a colabreation with any other singers or bands.

" now izuku I know how you feel about writing your music but the company said it would be good publicity and even when I tried to talk them out of it they said no, they are really stuck on this idea" she said with a sympithic smile on her face " its fine I will make it work" I said with a fake smile on my face. i cant even show mom my unfinished lyrics how am I supposed to show them to some strangers I dont even know. " I'm gonna leave you alone for a little bit, meet me at the snack station in 15 minutes so we can meet up to head to the hotel" she said leaving the room letting the door close behind her in a susprisnlgy loud click. how am I going to  survive the next couple of months.

katsuki's pov:

I was sitting backstage drinking out of a plastic water bottle, drinking the last of it and throwing into the garbage can across the room " TOUCH DOWN" kiri yelled with both hands raised, i look over at him shooting him a glare " where the fuck in football is there a bucket dumbass?" I questioned with a scowl. " just trying to lighten up the mood to let out all my nerves" he said with a embarssed smile. " well can you calm your fucking nerves quiter" I shouted. i looked to my side to see mina grimacing. i let out a breath and rested the back of my head on the wall behind me letting my eyes drift closed till I hear footspes coming. i groand fore I knew it was some fucking extra here to tell me we were on in 5 minutes. i ignored them and glanced around the room to see everyone else getting up to get on stage. they said a 5 minute warning so why were these dumbasses going . " hey shitheads we have 5 minutes" I said rolling my eyes. " well seeing as the walk will take a minute and I wouldn't take your advice on time I swear you would be late to your own funeral" Mina said with a cocky smirk on her face. she was the most tolerable of the dumbasses I have seemed to collected." fine, lets go" I said getting up leaving everyone to follow me to the stage.

we walk till we get there where the sound crew is double checking the microphones they put on us ten minutes ago. " its time" one of the extras I didn't bother to read the name tag said with I hate my job expression glued to his face.  as we started to walk onto the stage the fans screaming grew louder and louder making me wince. i walked behind the microphone that was placed in the middle of the stage and turned around to see mina get behind her drums. kiri carrying his gutair  with kaminari tripping over himself  holding his bass walking over to a microphone." okay extras we are gonna play some of our fucking songs and you are gonna like it" I said with a smirk into the mic 

the band sang this song ( Crave by Ruth Berhe)


the finished their selected songs and headed of stage much to the bands relief. i walk backstage and sit on one of the plastic chairs in the corner as the rest of the dorks sit in the chairs near me" the song is about someone special isnt it, maybe even a love interest?" kami said while he raised his eyebrows up an down multiple times with a stupid look on his face. i growled and threw the tissue box that was on the table to the left of me. " oOoh so I was right, bakubro does that mean you have a secret girl you aren't telling us about?" kami said with a smirk" how is that any of your buisness dunceface " I yelled at him " kami stop antagonizing bakubabe and bakubae dont kill kami, how is that American singer going to think of us if we are fighting like this all the time. we are gonna scare him off" she said pointing a finger at me like it was my fault " so stop acting so eccentric'' she said sternly " you sound like my mom" kami whined as he threw his arms around like a toddler not getting what they wanted. " no mina is right we have to be on our best behavior" kiri said with a matterinfact tone 

"what are you know? my dad" kami said with a fake anoyed look plasterd on his face. "guess that makes you my brother bakubro" kami says with a smile. " oh fuck no, there is no fucking way that I'm going to taint my family tree by associating it with you" I said with a smirk. sometimes I like to play there stupid games with them. kami looked at me with a fake crying face. i watched as he whipped a fake tear away from his dry cheak his yellow hair getting in his face where a strand falls off and he rubs into his eye when he whipes away some more non existent tears. " aaaaahhhh it burns, I'm dying, I've been shot in the eye" he screamed with a panicked look on his face. i looked at his face to see if there was any sign that he was joking but nope he was being very serious and my respect for him went down farther then i thought possible.

i got up from my chair and walked away from the group to head outside too our tour van to get some sleep seeing as it was already 12 am and my usal bedtime was eight thirty pm. i yawned and opened the door out the back of the building to be hit with the chilly night air as i walked to the tour van where i passed out on my bed as soon as i hit the matress.


None of these songs are mine neither are the characters

Thanks for reading remeber to vote and comment on the chapters 💕☺️

i will be rewriting the other chapters soon 

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