Part 12

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I immediately got my phone to text Keigo to come over. After I sent the text he came online and he told me he would be here in a second. I really hope Keigo knows what I should do.

After about 5 minutes I heard a knock on the window of the balcony. I looked towards it and a smile grew on my face immediately. I ran towards the door or my balcony and opened it. "Hey baby bir-" but before he could say anything I jumped on him and hugged him. "Haii" I said. I wasn't sure why but I felt so happy that I saw him again. I felt his armed wrap around me to hug me back. "Missed me huh?" He said with a funny tone to it. I just hummed some sort of yes and took his hand to drag him towards my couch. "I have something to ask you, do you want some tea or coffee tho?" I asked him. "Tea is fine, and what do you wanna ask?" He asked back. "One moment" I said back to him. I want to make the tea first for him and myself and ask him the questions as we both sat down.

I boiled some water and set the tea cups ready. I hope he liked some sugar in his tea because evidently put a bit to much in. I took the tea cups with me and sat them down on the small table in frond of my couch.

"Thanks birdy, now what is it?" He said as he took a sip of his tea. I sat down next to him. With my legs in the couch too. "Well what does love feel like" I asked him. He chocked on his tea, but I wasn't sure it was because of my question or because the tea was way to sweet. His eyes were wide open so I guess it was because of the question.

I looked at him with my questioning eyes and he quickly swallowed the tea that was still remaining in his mouth. "W-why you wanna know?" He asked me. "W-wel Natsuo tried to kiss me today bu-" "HE DID WHAT" he yelled, not letting me finish what I was saying. I looked up to keigo's face seeing a sad expression. I didn't understand why he was sad but it made me sad too. "What's wrong Keigo??" I asked him as I scooted closer to him. He didn't respond, he just kept looking down at his hands. I got even closer and hugged him. "Please what's wrong?" I asked him again. I heard him breath in and out heavy before he said "no nothing is wrong sorry. Please continue" he looked happy but he was just pretending. He showed in his eyes he was still sad. But I decided to continue my story. "Okay so, when he tried to kiss me I stopped him. Because I'm not sure what Natsuo is to me, you know? And I think he is just a friend. But I don't even know what live fees like in the first place you know? I just wanna do the right thing." I said and looked up to him. The sadness was still there but less then before.

"What love is huh? is when you care so deeply about someone. When you can't think of anyone or anything else but them. It's whenever you see them you get exited, and when they leave it's breaking your heart even though you know you will see them later. Love is whenever you see them your heart melts. You wan to touch them, you want to cuddle with them and kiss them. It's a warm feeling inside of you that keeps you coming back to that person. I think that that's love" he said. As he said all those words I wasn't feeling confused at all. Everything fell into place. I realized that I was indeed in love. But I wasn't in love with Natsuo. I was in love with Keigo.
I just realized that I was in love!

I looked up at Keigo who was looking at me with a soft, warm smile. My eyes looked at his, admiring him. Somehow my body moved on its own. I brought my head closer to his, and I placed my hand on his cheek. He seemed a little surprised by it but he didn't really mind. Right before I touched his lips with mine I stoped. Was I ready? Will he even like me? But before I could think to much I felt a hand under my chin. "Oh come here birdy" he said before pulling me in for a kiss.

When out lips touched it felt like a warm sensation exploding inside my body. Just like Keigo told me. We moved out lips in sink. It felt like we were made for each other. It was one of the best feelings I've ever felt.

He pulled back and looked at me with a smile on his face. And it immediately gave me a smile on my face too. "W-well i think I'm in love" I said to him with a small smile on my face. And when I said those words a smile also creeped on his face. "Well surprise because I'm in love too" he said back to me. I leaned forward and gave him a hug while pushed his back on the couch. I was  now laying on top of him. We were just cuddling. It felt nice knowing that he liked me back. But I didn't want to move very fast. We are both hero's and I don't want the media to know just yet. I want to tell everyone close to me first. But what should I tell Natsuo? I don't want to break his heart.

The right moment. Hawks x readerTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon