I looked at my shoulder then back at him, "Now my shoulder's cold."

Y/N rolled his eyes and got up from his seat. He put his hand out for mine, "Come with me."

"To where?"

"Just come." He emphasized his palm to me and I decided to take his hand. He even intertwined our fingers together.

He took me onto the court and near a net. One of his teammates passed a ball to him and Y/N held it out to me.

"Are you gonna put your arms around me and take a shot?" I asked. I must be hanging around Lisa too much because it came out really sassy.

"No," he said with a straight face.

"Oh." I took the ball from him and closed one eye to look at the net. With confidence, I took a shot and luckily, I got it in on my first try. "Yay!" I gasped. "Did you see that? I got it in."

Y/N gave a subtle smile, "Yeah. Wow."

"What kind of a reaction is that? You're supposed to be my boyfriend."

"Oh, really? Okay."

Y/N put his hands on my sides and picked me up to spin me around unenthusiastically.

"Well, that wasn't fun at all," I pouted, making him smile. So the things that annoyed me seem to make him smile... Real funny.

The buzzer sounded again but by now, I've gotten used to the sound. Y/N looked at the scoreboard then back at me, "The game's about to start so you can go back to your seat."

"Ah, okay." I began to turn but he held my shoulder.

"But since you're my girlfriend, come sit on the bleachers. The coach won't mind." Y/N took my hand again and lead me to the team bench. Lisa and Rosie were to the side, under the scoreboard. They both winked at me and teased me because Y/N hasn't let go of my hand yet. "One last thing, my kiss for good luck."

Y/N puckered his lips for me to peck but I pushed his lips away with two of my fingers. "No kisses on the lips."

He sighed, "Then where?"

I thought for a moment, "Mm, I guess the cheek is fine."

He turned his face to the side and showed his cheek to me.

"You were the one who wanted to kiss me, so why should I be the one to kiss your cheek? I'm not going to kiss you."

"Fine." He used his hand to tilt my face up by my chin and pressed a kiss to my cheek. "But if I can't kiss your lips, I get to give unlimited cheek kisses."

"Fine," I said as he walked away to join the rest of his team in a huddle. Then I saw Sihun looking at me again. Y/N's kiss was bothering him, wasn't it?

I sat on the bench and saw Lisa and Rosie waving her hands for my attention. I went over to them and they gave me weird looks.

"Why didn't you kiss him on the lips?" Rosie asked.

"He was so ready for it. And did you see Sihun? His head was about to explode," Lisa added.

"I just... didn't want to kiss him," I lied. I was a little afraid to kiss him again. What if Y/N gets the wrong idea?

"I thought he was your boyfriend," Lisa said. "Why wouldn't you want to kiss him?"

"Oh, um, I'm not feeling too well today. So, you know, I don't wanna get him sick. Ahem, cough, cough. Anyway, I gotta go watch the game. Bye."

I cringed at myself as soon as I turned away. Lisa was right, if Y/N was my boyfriend, why wouldn't I kiss him? That's what girlfriends are supposed to do. I groaned and slapped my face with my hands. I guess I have to kiss Y/N now... I should just get it over with. You know what? Yeah, I'll just kiss him right now. I'll give him a proper good luck kiss.

"Y/N!" I shouted and everyone looked at me. Well, great, now everyone will see me kiss him again.

"Jennie, quiet down. The game's about to start," Sihun said and I balled my fists in determination.

"Y/N, come here," I said.

He crossed his arms and didn't move. I picked up my courage and walked up with him with a forced but pretty smile.

"Good luck, sweetheart," I said and pulled him by his jersey but he didn't budge.

"What are you doing?" he asked.

"Your good luck kiss."

Y/N smirked and looked around before leaning down to kiss my lips. It only lasted a few seconds but his kiss was tender and warm. His tongue only moved into my mouth for that last second, making the feeling of his kiss linger on my lips for longer.

"Go sit down, Jennie," Y/N said then pet my hair.

"Okay. Good luck, Y/N."

He nodded and I made my way back to my seat on the team bench. I sat down in awe of the kiss. Y/N acted like a jerk sometimes but man, his kiss managed to bewilder me in the nicest way.


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