Part 1: The Boyfriend Catalyst

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That fucking prick!

I slammed the front door and kicked off my shoes. "You home Ma?" I yelled upstairs.

No answer.


With much more grace than during my entrance, I hung my purse on it's rack and went down to the basement. The memories of my asshole boyfriend weren't so easily discarded though, and just the thought of him spread an angry burning across my chest.

Fuck romance! I don't need any other boys in my life- just John. I strutted straight to his room and dramatically tossed his door open so it slammed against the wall.

This drew the desired effect, startling him so that he nearly dumped his laptop onto the floor in jumping off his bed. Few things in this world make me feel stronger than that beautiful fear he has of me.

"You wouldn't believe the day I've had lil bro." He tried to dodge me, but I was quicker, catching him by the hair and towing him into the basement living room. John sounded like a whining dog, "Please, no! Let me go Sam, please let me go!"

We both knew it was hopeless, that there was nothing he could do; the ball was in my court now, the Queen's Court, just where it belongs.

"Oh, come on now. I want to wrestle, that's all. And I want you to try ok, I want you to fight back. Hell, maybe this is the time you beat me, right?" I layered on the sarcasm; it would never happen, and the water welling up in his big brown eyes told me he had already accepted his defeat.

"I don't want to wrestle Sam," he said desperately, his voice small, like the squeak of a mouse.

"Too bad!" I grabbed him by the shoulders and pulled him towards me as I drove my knee into his stomach. He went to the ground, clutching his midsection.

"Get up," I commanded, backing off to allow him to get to his feet. He held his hands out defensively, trying to keep his distance from me as I attacked again. I swatted his arms aside and stepped around him, taking his back and slipping in a headlock. Then, I took us both to the ground, positioning it so that I had my back to the floor with his body on top of mine, allowing me to wrap my legs around his stomach and squeeze.

"You're fucking pathetic John. That's why I do this to you, that's why mom never saves you from me, because you deserve it." I squeezed his waist with full force and tightened my hold on his throat, making him squirm and let out a garbled scream for mercy. He pulled at my thighs hopelessly, but legs were nearly as big as his whole chest, my strength outmatching his 3-1.

"There's the fighting spirit. Kinda late now though, don't you think?" I decided to switch positions, untangling his neck from my arms momentarily and then inverted the hold by putting his head under my armpit and catching his throat with the crutch of my elbow.

In this position, I just stretch out through my waist and upper body to crank back on his neck, and it also freed up my left hand to grab his nipple. It's a childish move, sure, twisting boobs is a stunt you might see a kid pull in elementary school- but what the hell, this whole situations fucked up and I know it, I just like to feel him writhing below me, I just want to feel that strength, the thrill of absolute power.

I pinched his tiny nipple between my thumb and forefinger, then twisted ruthlessly. "Ahhh, Stop, Stop, Sam-" he started to cry, but I needed only flex my bicep and thighs to cut him off. Absolute power.

Well, almost absolute. The front creaked open, and then the sound of my mom dropping her purse to the tile floor of the landing. John heard it too, and started screaming bloody murder to get her attention, "MOM! MOM, HELP!" It was only half intelligible, as I hadn't yet stopped squeezing him, but it was loud enough in any case. There was an audible and somewhat indifferent sigh from my mom as she sauntered down the steps. When she came into sight of us in a heap on the floor, her own little boy wrapped up and painfully trapped by his older sister, being dominated completely, a similar scene that she's seen so many times before, all she could bring herself to say was, "Sam, leave your brother alone. I don't want to deal with your two's bullshit every time I step into my own house. Am I asking too much of you for that?"

"No," I replied coldly, with my own air of clear indifference. I tightened the hold one last time, channeling as much crushing power as I could to my brother's little body before pushing him off of me. Mom was already on her way upstairs, and I said nothing else to John as he scrambled back to his room.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2021 ⏰

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