Chapter 15: The Black Clover

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After the disappearance of Emily and the appearance of the black bag, you were in a nice hotel and had an all-you-can-eat-buffet. "So, what's a black clover," Andy said as he walked in the room and sat on the couch. Max and Elizabeth were watching TV in the Livingroom, and Zack and Maddie went on a walk somewhere. "I am not sure, but I have a feeling we are gonna have to find out soon," you said while looking out the window to see the stars, "Why is that?" Andy asked as he sat on the chair to look at a food magazine. "Just a feeling," you said, you had so many question about why you had to be born during this time, just like all the kids who went through unfortunate events in there time or why you had to be born and thrown around like property just because you were different. It hurt, trying to save yourselves over and over again. It hurt, having to run each time there was danger and you had to protect yourself. 
A tear fell down your cheek, you quickly wiped it off and left the room. You went to the elevator, and starred the numbers to see where you wanted to go, but something caught your eye, a button with a black clover, you didn't see it there the last time you were there, out of curiosity you pressed it. The elevator started to move up. It stopped and opened at the rooftop, you walked out and looked up at the stars, but before the same thoughts that you were thinking about at the window, you heard a voice, "Beautiful ain't it?" you started to look around to see who it was when you turned around, you saw a girl, with short  black hair like a guys, and a black clover on her arm, "Who-" you said confusingly, "Mane, Non-binary btw," they said with joy, "Oh, that explains the hair," you said looking at the black clover on their arm, trying to figure out what it meant. "You a glower," they said trying to get your attention off their arm, you quickly looked up in alarm and stayed silent. "Great, follow me," they said with a big smile as they grabbed your hand. They lead you to the elevator and pressed the black clover button then 1, 4, then 3. "Where are we going?" you asked, they looked at you with excitement and said "to the black clover, of course," she said as the elevator moved quickly. You started to get motion sickness till it stopped, and the doors opened, you looked out to see an entire underground city, with people of all ages. 
"So, who you looking for?" Mane asked as they dragged you into a small building. "Um, Destiny," you said but caught off guard when Mane yelled "WHOS DESTINY I DON'T KNOW 'EM," And pushed you out of the building then locking themselves in. You had a feeling you couldn't walk around asking people that so you went back to the elevator. You pressed the button to your floor and went back to your room to be greeted by the arms of Elizabeth rapping around you.
"Where did you go," Elizabeth sobbed. You in hugged her back confused and ask her why she was crying, "You've been gone for hours," she said, it only felt like a hour, "I was?" you said looking at Andy,who assured you that it was true. Zack and Maddie where back, Maddie grabbed you by the ear and sat you on the chair, "Where were you, huh, for hours, 3 to be exact," she asked angrily, "The Black Clover," you said without flinching, you were used to being yelled at by Maddie, so this was normal. "You went to the black clover? Did you bring it back?" Andy asked, "No, It's a place not a thing, and it is pretty nice to," you said, until you saw Zack walking out with a car on his right eye.

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