Alone With The Hard Feelings

Start from the beginning

"we were in kindergarten together Tay" Louis said chuckling obviously noticing our locked gazes.

Joe's Pov:
When I tell you I can't look away? I fucking can't, God she's gorgeous as fuck her deep blue eyes meeting mine, that angelic face of hers, the strays of her fading bleached her revealing the natural color of her blonde hair.

She's so beautiful.

"yeah as Louis said" I formed a soft smile on my lips. She uncrossed her arms letting out a sigh, she fucking licked her lips I melted something inside me just desired to touch her-

Shut up Joe what the fuck.

"oh yeah good then gentlemen"she said in a bossy voice," if you may help me with lunch and coookkiiesss "she giggled saying this word which made me melt into her even more.

What is this woman doing to me?

"oh about that red queen" Louis sighed closing his phone rubbing behind his neck, "gotta go to Harry he is in the studio and a bit... Panicking?" his worried voice said it all yes "it was great to see you again Huge wild animal" he laughed hitting my shoulder playfully.

I returned the hit on his shoulder "same tiny" he frowned and I smirked. He then turned to Taylor who was deep in thoughts her hand on her chest as if missing a necklace she used to play with when she's nervous or thinking.

"yeah do that Louis he needs you" a small smile formed on her face, and I wanted to scream of how cute she fucking IS-BUT WAIT are we staying alone... ALONE?


He kissed her on cheek and smiled reassuringly and went out closing the door. My heart was pounding in my chest, I almost couldn't take in a fucking breath, I swear to God I was gonna pass out just there right now.

She rubbed her wrist giving me a small smile. "so... Um.. I will go make lunch?" she chuckled nervously

The tension was clear in the room

"n-no I would of course help you Taylor" I smiled rubbing behind my neck. She sighed "you don't have to Joe"

fucking shit everytime she says my name, shivers run through my whole damn body. "I insist Taylor come on you just got out of the hospital" I scoffed softly.

She nodded in defeat, I am pretty she will get tired this woman never rests, she made her hair up in a messy bunny revealing her perfect neck.

Such a pretty face on a pretty neck

Stop it Joe fucking stop.

She wondered around the kitchen getting ingredients and everything. She smiled and put some soft music in the background, I watched her every move and helping her from time to time.

Her damn perfume makes me want to stay by her side for fucking forever. When we finished I put the food in the oven, and when I turned she was sitting on the counter. Checking her phone biting on her lip

She's driving me crazy I swear.

A little frown formed on her beautiful face, I rose an eyebrow "bad news?" I asked making my way in front of her, she's stealing my breath away when I am near her I swear.

"except the whole world is calling me a snake and I am now the number one hated on the media? Nah" she faked a chuckle and it was clear. She looked down not being able to look at me even, her lip started to quiver she bit on it to hide.

She wanted to cry but she was scared.

I was too close to her I slowly put my hands on both side of her, I was tall enough to be in the same level as her.
"hey... You can let it out" I said slowly my hand going behind her reassuring her that I'm here for her.

She looked up and our eyes met. And in that moment I saw the sadness in her deep blue eyes. Her eyes were begging for help for comfort that her mouth wasn't letting the words go out. It made my heart clench in my chest seeing her this way

"i-um-" her voice was unsure and that confirms what I was thinking. She took in a deep breath gaving up and hugged me her head buried in my neck and it damn fits perfectly in there.

Without hesitation my arms were around this angel. Rubbing her back in circles softly. I felt a tear drop on my neck and my heart broke into a million little pieces. She cried holding on to me and as I was holding her in my arms...

We were alone.

Alone together.

Alone with the hard feelings

Sooorrryyyy for being late, I had exams and bla bla now I'm freehhh and can update hope you enjoying the story <3
Love you stay safe ✨

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