GlitterMan: remember that prototype we made based off majima's claws?

FutureCEO: DIG BABY #217 !!

GlitterMan: we have 217 inventions?

FutureCEO: eh some of them are only the blueprints of ideas I haven't had time to construct but I like to keep them numbered

GlitterMan: some??


GlitterMan: sorta
GlitterMan: I used the acidic GlitterGoop balls to melt through the worse of the wreckage
GlitterMan: once I cleared enough space I dug myself past the finish line
GlitterMan: my time was second fastest to shinsou-kun's

FutureCEO: that sounds fUN

GlitterMan: yeah
GlitterMan: I wish you could've seen it :/

FutureCEO: yep
FutureCEO: cuz I totally didn't hack nedzus security just to livestream your fight

GlitterMan: uh
GlitterMan: Mei ur a fantastic friend and I love you for it but MOVING ON BEFORE NEDZU WHOS DEFINITELY N O T READING THIS NOTICES

FutureCEO: hey speaking of bitch kun have you talked things through with him?

GlitterMan: uh we weren't talking about Katsuki?

FutureCEO: you mentioned him earlier it just took me a while to catch up to it

GlitterMan: okay so like that was the worst segue ever but
GlitterMan: I mean like yeah..?

FutureCEO: go onnnnN

GlitterMan: did Nem put u up to this?

FutureCEO: ?

GlitterMan: you never wanna talk ab my personal drama?
GlitterMan: I mean we mostly just talk about inventions and violence

FutureCEO: okAy so I might've done a little extra back reading on the teacher chat last time I checked in
FutureCEO: I wanna know what happened

GlitterMan: for your own sake or Nem's?

FutureCEO: for yours Izukkun!!
FutureCEO: ik you have hound dog and nice girl to talk to but sometimes you need different sources to vent
FutureCEO: Ik were not super touchy feely but I'm trying to help

GlitterMan: ...
GlitterMan: that and you're curious


GlitterMan: we talked for a bit. I'm still not really ready to move past everything but I'm willing to give him a chance to prove he's grown yk
GlitterMan: like i can't forget decades of bullying because of an apology and a bit of remorse
GlitterMan: he's in therapy now and apparently has been volunteering with a teen hotline
GlitterMan: which I did Not Know

FutureCEO: bitch kun and suicidal teens is not a good combo
FutureCEO: we know this already

GlitterMan: idk apparently hound dog monitored his first week or so and ig he's good at it?
GlitterMan: point being is he's really trying
GlitterMan: the only problem is whether it's to save his own hide or not I can't tell yet


GlitterMan: mEI NO
GlitterMan: that's literally the whole point of this
GlitterMan: f o r g i v e n e s s

FutureCEO: never heard of that before

GlitterMan: clearly
GlitterMan: anyway, the weirdest thing ab it is he wants to keep calling me deku

FutureCEO is typing...

GlitterMan: no I mean like apparently hound dog wants us to look for ways to move on without fully relinquishing the past
GlitterMan: katsukis idea was to turn it into something good, yk?

FutureCEO: no

GlitterMan: idk. I don't want a single word to hold so much power over me, yk? I still flinch every time I hear someone say deku, and I don't want to have to hold onto that
GlitterMan: I'm not saying I wanna be friends with Katsuki, but if I'm going to go along with this and help him reform himself or whatever
GlitterMan: I wanna get something out of it too

FutureCEO: that sounds stupid

GlitterMan: welp
GlitterMan: okay then

FutureCEO: ur just letting him keep using that name he abused you with for years?
FutureCEO: aren't you supposed to be moving on?

GlitterMan: but I'm not going to forget where I came from in the process
GlitterMan: deku was born out of hate but maybe  he can learn to turn it into something good

FutureCEO: hm
FutureCEO: okay

GlitterMan: ..that's it?
GlitterMan: no flamethrowers or giant rat traps?

FutureCEO: I never said that

GlitterMan: uh

FutureCEO: (✿ ◕‿◕) ᓄ✂╰U╯

GlitterMan: oh god it's spreading

A/N: i tried my best to explain my reasoning behind this but I'll narrow it down anyway
A- bakugo calling Izuku anything other than deku feels weird and wholly wrong (shut up you know I'm right)
B- the idea of reclaiming things (especially names or monikers) that have been used against you is a massively important part of recovery, while I made it clear earlier that Izuku doesn't like the name, I also made it clear that since bakugo wants to keep the nickname, it's going to be on him to change the established connotations surrounding "deku". Anyway, if u got issues feel free to comment on it here, I love hearing other opinions. Sayonara whores (said lovingly)

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