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Rachel's POV:

Six years later…
“Good afternoon, Miss Kim.”

Rachel: “Hey, Jimin.”
I wave over to our new neighbors’ son. They moved in a week ago, and I’m pretty sure I remember him saying he goes to the local college. I can’t exactly recall. When I’d met them the twins were running circles around my feet and I could only catch half of what they were saying.

He gives me a giant smile and starts to walk over toward me, but stops and the smile drops from his face. I don’t even have to turn around to know why. I know without a doubt my husband is standing behind me. I just don’t know why I don’t hear our louder-than-life little boys with him. Between the twins who just turned two and our five-year-old son, we are never a quiet bunch when we’re all together.

“That’s Mrs. Kim,”
Namjoon barks.

I have to bite my lip to keep from smiling. I can’t even be mad. I love that he’s a beast and crazy jealous and possessive. Once we came out as a couple, he wanted everyone to know. I was surprised he didn’t hire someone to write it in the sky. Even after all these years, he’s still that way. No matter where we are or what we are doing, he’s always got a hand or his eyes on me. No one can miss that I belong to him.

“Sir,” Jimin says in way of greeting. I know Namjoon is intimidating. He’s big, and he still carries the aura from having been in the military. People always instinctively call him ‘sir’ if they don’t know him.
Jimin: “I’ve really got to get to my homework.”

Namjoon: “Then you should go,” Namjoon snaps in a hard tone. The order is clear. This time I do roll my eyes. Jimin stands there for a moment as if he doesn’t know what to do.
“Now!” Namjoon barks, and I know it’s one of those ingrained commands that he’ll never shake.

Jimin half jumps and half runs for his house, and I shake my head.

Rachel: “Come do your husbandly duties,”
I tell him, popping open the trunk to my SUV. I loaded it full of groceries after I left my little shop today.

Living with three boys, I feel like I go to the grocery store every other day. I can’t imagine what it will be like when they’re teenagers. At least they all love to cook. I just have to bring the food home. They do the rest.

I only spend half days at my shop now since I have a staff of three people. Namjoon stays home and does consulting jobs outside the military. I love my store when I have the time, but I love being at home with all my boys even more. Though I don’t think I can call Namjoon a boy. Still, there’s just something comforting and sweet about saying ‘my boys.’ Namjoon doesn’t seem to care.

Namjoon: “Yes, ma’am,”
he says striding over toward me, but he doesn’t go for the groceries. He picks me up, throws me over his shoulder, and shuts the trunk. I laugh as he easily strides toward the house.

Rachel: “Where are my little ones?” I ask.

Namjoon: “Gone for the night. I get you all to myself.”
He carries me inside and throws me on the bed.
Namjoon: “I figured Mi-Soo could use the experience.”

I shake my head, knowing that’s a lie. She keeps the boys all the time. She loves her little nephews. She’s over here all the time stealing them away. They have a blast out at her and Taehyung’s cabin.

Rachel: “She told you.”
I smile up at him.
Rachel: “Uncle,”
I add, unable to hide my snicker at that.

Namjoon: “Hey now. You’re my wife. That makes you Aunt.”

Rachel: “So it seems.”
I run my hands up his body, pulling his shirt from him.

Namjoon: “Their little girl is going to have her hands full with all these boys running around,”
he says with a smile. He seems to like the idea of his new niece having three little bodyguards.

Rachel: “She’ll be okay.”
I wrap my arms around his neck, and he leans down to kiss me. Slow and deep. Savoring me.

Smut warning: 🔞⚠️
Namjoon: “Clothes off,”
he growls as he rips at mine. I lie there and let him, watching him prepare to make love to me. I drop my head back as his mouth roams my body, thinking life can’t get any better. Before I met Namjoon, I didn’t know that this kind of sweetness was out there for me to have. He moves down my body, and my legs fall open for him.

Namjoon: “Kids aren’t home, and I’m debating if I should make you scream so loud the little shit next door knows to keep the fuck away. Or if I should put a gag in your mouth because no one else should get to hear what’s mine.”

I squirm beneath him.
Rachel: “You wouldn’t,”
I say breathlessly.

Namjoon: “You like that idea? Me gagging you? Maybe tying you to the bed so you can’t go outside?”
I bite my lip, thinking how hot that sounds. He jumps from the bed and goes to the dresser.

Rachel: “You know what today is?”
I shake my head as I watch him pull a few ties out from the dresser. He comes toward me, going for my legs first.

Namjoon: “Today is the day where  I saw you for teh first time.”
He binds me to the bed rail and then kisses my ankle. He moves to my other leg.

Namjoon: “Grab the headboard.”
I reach up, grabbing it instantly. My quick response makes him smile. He does the same to my other ankle, tying it to our bed rail, then kissing my ankle. My breathing picks up.

Namjoon: “I think it’s fitting, really,”
he continues.
Namjoon:  “This is what I wanted to do to you that day when Mi-Soo brought you over. I didn’t want you to leave. I wanted to grab you and pull you into me. Keep you here and never let go. That night I lay in this bed thinking about that. That I should have tied you to my bed. Never let you out of it.”

I moan at his dirty words as he finishes tying my hands so I’m fully bound to the bed. He brings another tie to my mouth, ready to gag me.

Namjoon: “I didn’t get to that day, but today and for the rest of the weekend, I think I’m going to see what that would have been like, to have you bound to my bed.”

I’m so turned on all I can do is moan his name. If he touches me even a little, I know I’ll cum right now.

Namjoon: “Tell me you love me.”

Rachel: “I love you,”
I moan, right before the gag goes over my mouth.

Namjoon: “Love you, too, sweet girl. Remember that when you’re begging me to stop making you cum.”

Like he’d ever let me forget how much he loves me.
That's the end of Her Touch 2. Hope you all like this book of mine.

Thankyou for all the support.

Her Touch 2 ~  [K.N.J - F.F] ✔️Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang