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If you asked anyone who knew Marinette what she was like, you would probably get a "she's an amazing person" or maybe even a "she's a really great friend". And, it's true. She is an amazing person. She cares about everyone, even random civilians in Paris. She would do anything for anybody who needed it. But as soon as she needs them, they aren't there. Take when Lila accused her of pushing her down the stairs, for example. She needed her friends to back her up, and they knew she would never do that, but they didn't back her up. They believed someone they had just met, over their "bestfriend". And even after that, she still would do anything for them. She saved Paris almost everyday, and she also balanced working at their bakery, doing schoolwork, doing fashion designs for contests and shows, took care of tikki, and still had time to help her friends whenever they needed it. I kinda don't blame her for ending it all, honestly I would to.

After awhile, she started to become more obviously drained. She would have eye bags from the lack of sleep, and she didn't really have time for food anymore so you could hear her stomach growl every once in a while. And the falling asleep in class didn't help either. Even though her friends knew she was stressed, they carried on with their lives, not ever asking if she was okay. Well, everyone except Adrien. Adrien cared about Marinette more than anything, he didn't quite realize until it was to late, but he asked her if she was okay everyday and offered to have a one-on-one talk with her, but she always declined and said she was fine. He knew she wasn't. He started to see that ladybug was drained to, but he was oblivious to the fact that they were the same person.

MARINETTE POV: I hate it. I'm balancing the weight of two different lives everyday. It's tiring. Anyways, I still have to finished my homework. "Dinners ready!!!!!" I hear mom say from downstairs in the bakery. "I'm not hungry mom!!!!" I shot back. I heard her mumble "okay", so I got back to my homework. After about 10 minutes I finish my homework. Ahhh finally I can take a nap. I let out a sigh and fall on my back in a starfish pose, onto my bed and close my eyes. Maybe tomorrow will be a good day.....Or not I never really can tell anymore. *THE NEXT DAY* I hear my Akuma alert notification go off at 4am-ish. Great. I quickly transform and meet chat nior on a roof nearby. "Hey m'lady" I don't respond. Not like I could if I wanted to tho, I could barely even move. Everything ached. "Cat got your tongue?" He asked me kind of genuinely. "Let's get this over with". We defeated Mr. Pigeon, and I didn't even say bye to chat nior, I just left and got ready for school. Today was Friday which was soothing to me because it's the weekend, not like it even matters I will still be busy all day. *AFTER SCHOOL* I wouldn't have to deal with all of this if I just ended it. It's decided. I'll give Alya my miraculous, then I'll do it. I go downstairs and bake tikki her favorite macaroons, as kind of a parting gift I guess, she doesn't know yet but it's for the best. I transform after tkkis done eating and I go to Alya's  house. "Oh Ladybug!What are you doing here?" "I-I've decided I'm no longer fit for the role of ladybug" "WHAT! I can't-" I interrupted her saying "I'm going to stand behind this door. I have decided to give you the miraculous. Tikki, spots off. Tikki, I renounce you." I say as I remove my earrings. I put them in the box and slid them behind the door to her. "I am trusting you will do good with this." " I won't disappoint you Ladybug." I wrote master fu's address on a sheet of paper and told her to go there if she needed help. I quickly left making sure she didn't see me. I sure hope she does good with the miraculous. *SHE FINALLY GETS TO HER HOUSE* I'm standing across the road to the bakery. I'm waiting for a car to pass. Oh here one comes. Bye bye world. I step out in front of the car.

Forever in Our Hearts MarinetteМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя