Chapter 21

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Chapter 21: "Chapter Twenty-One"

It was friendly, motherly Mrs. Weasley who was recruited to explain everything to Draco. As soon as she heard the news, she gathered Draco into her warm arms and hugged him tightly as if she would never let go, and then sat down with him, her children about her feet, and explained to him (with several 'helpful' interruptions) everything that had happened.

When Snape caught his first glimpse of Draco in the light, he nearly wept at the image he made. He was almost a perfect replica of his father, although his features were sharper, his body slimmer, and his eyes a stormy gray instead of Lucius' ice blue. He was reminded of the days when he and Lucius had been boys together, and felt that his heart - an entity he had almost forgotten he possessed - would break with happiness and relief.

Ron looked almost reproachful as he examined Draco critically. "If I'd only asked what your name was," he said thoughtfully, "all those months ago, you would have told me it was Draco Malfoy, and you would have been found in a minute."

Draco laughed and crossed the room, and laid a hand on the surprised boy's shoulder. "You shall never know what that gesture meant to me," he said softly, and carefully extracted the sickle from underneath his clothing, letting it drop and dangle from his fingers.

And for once, Ron was actually speechless.

Ginny, on the other hand, was not. "That's the most adorable thing ever," she sighed, and Draco chuckled. "Thank you," he said modestly. Ron, still speechless, could do nothing more than glower at her.

Mrs. Weasley, who was almost crying, kissed Draco again and again, feeling that he needed to be kissed many times because he had not been kissed for so long. And Draco accepted her embraces, although he looked a bit bewildered still by it all.

"What's the matter, Draco?" she asked, releasing him but keeping a hand on his shoulder, as if she couldn't bear to let him go.

"So my father...was not really a Death Eater?" he asked quietly, hoping.

"He had been at one time," Mrs. Weasley said, her lip trembling a bit, "but he had left and had gone with you to India, because he couldn't bear the Dark Lord's rule anymore. The Dark Lord, unfortunately, did not take kindly to deserters, and was furious that your father had left, so he had him punished and then...killed." A tear slipped down her nose as she spoke, but she wiped it away impatiently. "Before he died, he told Mr. Snape about you, and asked him to find you and take care of you. That is all he could speak about. So as soon as he was well enough to think properly, Mr. Snape instigated a search for you. He and your father were very close when they were younger."

"And he did not know where to find me, although I was so near," Draco murmured.

"No," Mrs. Weasley agreed. "When he heard of you from Ram Dass, he did not dream you were his friend's poor neglected child, but he too knows something of mistreatment, and he wanted to make you happier. And so he told Ram Dass to take things into your attic to make it more comfortable for you."

Draco started, and his expression changed to one of joy. "Ram Dass did it?" he cried. "Ram Dass brought the things? And Mr. Snape made it all happen?"

"Yes, Draco," Mrs. Weasley said. "He is kind and good, and he was sorry for you, for little lost Draco Malfoy's sake."

The study door opened, and Mr. Weasley appeared, calling Draco toward him with a gesture. "Mr. Snape is better already," he said. "He wants to see you."

Draco did not wait. As soon as he entered the room and saw Snape standing there, his eyes alight with such life that had not been seen in several years, Draco flung himself at the elder man and hugged him, his face buried in the austere black robes. "You sent the things to me," he breathed in a voice overcome with emotion, "all the beautiful things. It was you who was my friend, all along."

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