"No trouble, sir," Y/N replied as if his clothes weren't soaking in a sticky smoothie. We made eye contact once more before he turned to leave.

Lisa pulled me in another direction and thankfully, Sihun was distracted by the principal so he couldn't follow us. We went all the way to the front of the school now and she gave me a look that asked for an explanation.

"You're still hanging around Sihun? What did I tell you? He's not worth your time, Jennie."

"I know. I was trying to get rid of him and evidently, I'm just not good at diversion," I pouted.

"It's been one whole summer and he's still on your ass? Aish, that guy..." I shrugged at her. "It's okay. Now that you're single again, we can find you someone else. Maybe then he'll stop bothering you for good. I mean, did you see how jealous and defensive he got when Y/N looked as if he was going to kill you with his stare?"

"It was a very intimidating stare," I mumbled at my feet. I don't think anyone has ever looked at me that angrily before. Actually, Rosie gave me a similar look when I ate one of her fries. "But it's fine. I'll be okay. Sihun isn't too bothersome. It's only if I see him at school. Ugh, I need to find a hiding place."

"Are you sure?"

"Mhm. Of course."

"If you need me-"

"I'll call you," I finished. "I got it, Lisa. I'm a big girl. I'm older than you, you know."

"You just don't act like it," she said quietly.


"Nothing. Gotta get to class. Bye, Jen!"

I shook my head at Lisa running up the stairs then made my way to my next class. The time on my phone says there's about ten minutes until the bell rings for class to commence so I thought I'd just go to class earlier. I had Phys Ed next so I made my way to the gym. I changing into my gym clothes, got out of the change room efficiently then entered the gym.

Inside, my gym teacher greeted me with some errands to run. Setting up nets, unpacking equipment and more. Lastly, she gave me a box of brand new jerseys and told me to bring them to the boys' change room.

"But shouldn't a boy do that instead?" I asked. It's only right...

"It's fine, Jennie. The boys should be out on the track doing laps right now. The room should be unlocked for the jersey delivery but here are the keys just in case."

She dropped the keys in the box I had in my hands and set me on my path. I walked up to the boys change room and the door was already unlocked so I just went in. I pushed the door open with my foot and looked around for a place to set the box of clothes down. There was an empty corner so I quickly set it there, trying to avoid looking around the change room too much.

As I was about to leave, someone startled me. I froze in place as he stared blankly back at me. Then his lips curled into a smirk.

"69," was all that Y/N said as he walked past me and shuffled through his gym bag.

I couldn't help but notice his half naked body and wet hair as if he just came out of the shower. Which he probably did because I got smoothie all over his clothes. Wait, what did he just say? 69?


He looked at me and broke into a smile that called me an idiot, "That's the amount you'll owe me for dry cleaning. 69 dollars."

"Oh..." I said. It was the only thing I could say because my throat ran dry. His body looked so shiny and shimmery under the light of the room and his dripping wet hair-I mean, what? What??? Nothing.

"I assume that's why you're in the boys' change room. Unless..." Y/N, in his tight gym shorts, began to walk closer to where I was standing. I was glued to my spot and couldn't even move a muscle. He was making me so nervous and flustered at the same time. "Did you come here for a different reason?"

"I, um, actually came to drop off, mm, some clothes. Er, jerseys. I think they were jerseys. Mhm. Jerseys."



He was nice and close now. I could even see the water droplet dripping down from his hair to the base of his neck then down his chest and... Um.

The sound of the door opening made me flinch and suddenly Y/N pulled me by my hips, taking me to hide behind a wall. My back was pressed against the wall as he stood even closer now. I was oddly aware of his hands resting on my waist.

"The coach told me to come get you." It was Sihun's voice. Y/N had the same gym class as Sihun? "He wanted to make sure you'd participate and not just use the shower then skip class."

Y/N rolled his eyes. "I'll be out in five," he said dismissively as he looked down at me. But footsteps approached and then Sihun came into my view.

Y/N's hands were still on my waist.

And Sihun was right there, witnessing.

"You look really cute in shorts, babygirl. You should show some more skin," Y/N said to me, completely ignoring Sihun.

"What's going on here, Jennie?" Sihun sounded a bit hurt and surprisingly, it made me feel a little... satisfied?

"Can't you see she's a little busy?" Y/N sassed. "Tell him, Jennie."

"I..." I saw the look at disbelief on Sihun's face. Was I a horrible person to admit that I felt so good to see his miserable face? He deserved this.

Y/N took his hands off my waist now and the warmth on my body escaped with his fingertips. "I guess we'll finish another time, babygirl."

He walked away, leaving me with Sihun and the deadly awkwardness in the air. I straightened my clothes and cleared my throat. I didn't say anything at all, I just walked towards the exit and didn't look back. The only things I'd see would be the smirk of Y/N or the broken look of Sihun anyway. I'm just happy I escaped without much trouble...

Still, the only thing distracting me for the rest of the day was Sihun's face and annoyingly, Y/N referring to me as 'babygirl.' I didn't like it.


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