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I was speed walking down the halls so fast that my legs began to cramp but I couldn't stop, I had to get away from him. Through the messy crowd of students in the atrium, I thought I'd lose him on my tail yet when I reached an empty space to turn around, he was there. Maybe I shouldn't have wore such a bright-coloured sweater today.

"Jennie, can't we talk?" he asked, coming out of the crowd.

"No, Sihun. We can't. I don't want to talk to you. I'm sorry," I replied, an apology slipping out. I turned away from him to hide the look of disbelief at myself. I shouldn't be apologizing to him. He was the one who betrayed me. He wasn't deserving of an apology.

"But I don't even understand why you broke up with me! What happened?"

I still couldn't bring myself to look him in the eye but I turned my head to the side little. "You should know what you did wrong and please leave me alone once you figure it out."

Ugh, why was I so bad at this? Politeness kept coming out of my mouth when I should be more cut-throat. That's how Lisa told me to speak to him.


"I can't talk to you anymore, Sihun. Goodbye," I said and continued into the crowded atrium. When he followed me again, I hurried even faster but because I kept looking back to track Sihun, I wasn't paying attention to where I was going and...


There were gasps coming from all around me and I fixed my eyes on the person I bumped into. Oh no...

"I-I'm so sorry!"

The person I collided with had a mean look on her face but the person behind her had an even meaner look. I must've accidentally caused a smoothie to be knocked over and poured all over the front of his clothes. I gulped as I made eye contact with a pair of dark eyes.

He glimpsed at his own dirty clothes again before clenching his jaw tightly. He looked up again and moved the girl I bumped into out of the way to approach me.

"Don't you have eyes on front of your head? Look where you're going," he spat.

"I-I'm sorry," I said in shame and hung my head.

"Hey, watch your mouth, Y/N. It was an accident," Sihun defended on my behalf. It was nice of him but he shouldn't be protective of me that anymore. I didn't want him to be.

Y/N didn't even bat an eye at Sihun. He kept his angry gaze on me. I only knew because I saw him through my lashes, standing over me.

"I can pay for your dry cleaning, if you'd like," I suggested.

"Forget it," Y/N said quickly, almost cutting me off.

"O-okay. Thank you." God, why do I sound so pathetic?

"Jen-yo, move out of the way-Jennie!" Lisa came through the crowd and suddenly I was hiding behind her, holding onto her hand for safety. "Y/N, what's going on?"

I peaked at Y/N carefully. He smiled at Lisa. It was a sarcastic smile, I bet.

"Babygirl Jennie, gave me a gift," he gestured to the smoothie stain on his clothes.

Babygirl. It sounded so malicious.

"Hey! Who are you to call her babygirl?!" Sihun shouted. I knew the tone he used was his jealous tone, therefore this situation will only get worse if Sihun bickers.

"What's with the gathering? It's the first day of school, get to your classes!" The principal of our school appeared and students were shooed away one by one. "Even if you don't have class, keep the atrium in order." He finally noticed the mess around Y/N, "What's going on here, Y/N? It better not be trouble."

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