"Where is Tommy?"

"He is in the room." Phil nodded and left the room to talk with him. He knocked on the door and waited for an answer.

"What do you want, Phil?" A sad voice said. It sounded like Tommy had been crying for hours, which he was.

"Tommy can you open the door." Tommy hesitated at first but he was feeling better so he opened the door.

Phil saw Tommy's red puffy eyes from crying and hugged the little kid. Tommy hugged back.

"Shh, it's okay we are not angry at you. I actually thought this would happen sooner. You are so strong Tommy, don't worry we will find a way." Tommy didn't say anything, he just kept hugging and cried in silence.

After a few minutes Wilbur couldn't help but check on Tommy too. He saw Tommy hugging Phil and kneeled towards Tommy. Tommy breaked from the hug and looked back at Wilbur. Guilt was all over his face but Wilbur just smiled at him and opened his arms. And that's how Techno found his family, hugging each other.

He was confused until he saw Tommy's arm. It was obvious the others didn't see it since they were not panicking.

"Tommy is bleeding!" He yelled at Wilbur. Wilbur saw the wound too. He could see the two particular teeths on his arm. Tommy had bited himself.

"Tommy, why did you do that?"

"So I can control myself. I can't hurt you." Techno was about to ask what happened but Phil shushed him.

They cleaned up Tommy's wound and bandaged it. After that Tommy fell asleep. They were back to square one. Tommy started to sleep all day again.

Both Phil and Techno were searching for anything they could do for Tommy.

Even though the solution was obvious, not even Tommy himself wanted to drink blood from humans.

So one night Wilbur couldn't bear to watch Tommy like that. He decided what to do for Tommy and waited until everyone was gone. It took a week for both Techno and Phil to be gone at the same time and Wilbur started his plan.

He woke up Tommy and locked the door behind him. Tommy got a bit worried but he knew Wilbur would not hurt him so he waited what would Wilbur do. He watched as Wilbur smiled sadly at him and sat on the bed. He took Tommy on his lap and slowly brushed his hair.

"Tommy, I want you to drink my blood." Tomy had just realized what Wilbur was about to do. He immediately tried to back away from him but Wilbur didn't let him.

"Shh, it's alright Toms. I know you need human blood. Just don't make me do this the hard way." Those words ringed in his ears. Those words were the same words as his brother. Same words as he did the same thing to him.

He shook his head violently and begged Wilbur to let him go. He was not gonna drink Wilbur's blood. There was no way he was going to do that. Wilbur knew this so he had come prepared. He got out a dragger and made a cut on his arm before Tommy could stop him.

He watched as Tommy's eyes changed into bright red color. Tommy started to cry and tried not to look or smell the blood, but he was panicking. "Wilbur please, I don't want to do this. Please!"

Wilbur didn't listen to him and waited until Tommy completely lost it.

Tommy in the end gave in to his vampire side and bit where Wilbur cutted his arm. Wilbur could feel the cold fangs making its way to his skin. He hissed in pain but didn't let go. After a few minutes his arm felt numb and the pain was gone.

He started to feel a bit dizzy so he pushed Tommy off of him. Unfortunately Tommy was all gone now and he wanted more blood. Wilbur tried to fight back but he felt so tired.

Thankfully that was when Techno came to the house. He heard the noises from Wilbur's room and rushed towards it. He tried to open the door as he realized it was locked. So he just broke the door and saw Tommy attacking Wilbur.

He pushed him off of Wilbur and pinned him on the floor. His eyes were red and he kept hissing at Techno. He was much stronger than before so Techno was having a hard time holding him.

"I am sorry kid, this is gonna hurt a bit." He hit Tommy in the head and made him unconscious. Then he turned to Wilbur, he also looked like he was about to get unconscious. Just how much blood did Tommy drink.

"You okay?" Techno asked Wilbur.

"Don't tell dad."

"Are you crazy? He was about to-"

"I forced him." Wilbur cut him off.

"What? Why would you do that? Don't you know this could happen? Vampires will do anything to drink your blood and showing your blood to them is a death wish."

"I know it, but it breaks my heart to watch him in pain. It is hard for us to understand but he was starving. It was not enough, it will never be enough."

"Wilbur..." Techno's all anger was gone. He never realized the kid was actually starving. "Come on, let's bandage that arm of yours" Techno said while putting Tommy back to his bed.

Then they walk to the bathroom and clean up Wilbur's arm.

"Did it hurt?"

"At first yes, but then he injected a weird stuff into my arm and it just felt numb after that." They didn't say anything else after that.

Phil came after an hour and neither of them told what happened that day. Well Phil being a father he could sense something was wrong.

"What happened? Is Tommy still sleeping?"

"Yeah, he was too hungry so I gave him some blood before you came. He is just sleeping right now."

"I understand, but I don't understand what happened between you two."

"Nothing, we just had a stupid sibling fight."

They ended the conversation there and went back to sleep. When Wilbur was back to his room he saw Tommy crying. The kid was awake.

"Tommy?" Tommy stopped crying and looked over to Wilbur.

"I am sorry."

"Why are you saying sorry Tommy? I am the one who should say sorry."

"I don't care, it's my fault for losing control. How are you even alive?"

"Techno helped"

"If he was not here I would probably kill you." Tommy said with a whisper.

"Tommy..." The kid was blaming himself? Wilbur thought he would be so angry with him, but he was not.

He reached for a hug but Tommy pushed him away and leaned back to his bed.

Wilbur didn't say anything else and also lay on his bed. He fell asleep pretty quickly, being tired of all the things. On the other hand Tommy was having issues with sleeping.

Vampires normally didn't need any sleep but since he was not drinking any human blood he had to sleep. Now with Wilbur's blood he could be awake for about a month without sleep.

He still tried to sleep but when he saw that dream, he wished he never did.

1856 words, well I was supposed to update this yesterday but couldn't so, sorry about that.

A Vampire Child (sleepy bois) Where stories live. Discover now