The Pretty Football Player

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Clay was the prettiest boy George has ever seen.

He has messy blonde hair with the prettiest eyes that looked almost piss yellow to him because of his colorblindness. Clay was much taller than he was, and George could tell he was very athletic. George felt like he was staring at the pretty blonde boy for way too long, so he introduced himself after observing Clay's features. Luckily, nobody noticed his staring.

"Uh, hello. I'm George, nice to meet you." George gave a warm smile, hoping his face wasn't turning a bright red by this point.

"Hello! I'm Clay." Clay smiled and George already knew that he loved his smile. The boys finally looked away from each other, trying not to creep each other out too much.

One of Clay's good friends Tommy showed up to the table, sitting right beside George. "Ello, who's this?" Tommy was the youngest one at their lunch table, but he seemed to be the loudest. He was quite funny though, which George immediately picked up on.

"Hi, I'm George. Glad to know I'm not the only british person here."

"OHH, you're the guy everyone's been talking about," Tommy said while biting into an apple. "You know, there's a few british people that have moved here but you're the only one everyone seems to like."

George didn't know what to say to him after that, so he just gave a light chuckle and took a bite of his salad. He tried so hard not to look at Clay, so he just focused on conversing with everyone at the table. They all seemed interesting and fun to be around.

More people came to sit at their table like Wilbur, Toby, Jack, Niki, some guy they called Bad, Alex, and Karl. They all asked George questions about why he moved here, and all the other british people at the table talked about how different America was from where they were originally from.

Every time someone would ask George a question, Clay would observe George's features. He didn't even realize he was doing it.

His eyes kept tracing back to George's lips, and that's when he realized what he was doing. Snap out of it Clay, he thought to himself. This is weird. He shook it off though and continued to eat his hamburger.

Lunch was finally over. Now he couldn't stare at George, and Clay felt a sense of relief to that statement. But he was very, very wrong.

They were both in the same history class right after lunch. Conveniently enough, George was sitting in the empty desk right next to Clay's whenever Clay walked into the room.

He didn't mind George, he actually thought George was a really cool guy to be around. But he felt a certain way about him, different than he has to anybody else. It scared Clay a bit, but he had to face him and maybe he wouldn't be so weird feeling after awhile.

He took a deep breath and sat down. "Hey Clay!" George said with an excited look. "Hey George, I didn't know we had this class together."

"I guess so." The boys smiled at each other and thankfully the teacher started talking so they couldn't stare at each other. They seem to both have that problem, but neither one of the boys noticed this problem.

George distracted himself by learning about the civil war, which was actually quite interesting to George. He's always payed attention at school, and often found interest in the topics they learned about. Clay was the complete opposite; he fiddled with his pencil, barely paying any attention whatsoever.

"Clay, can you tell me what I just said?" The teacher, Mrs. Rae, raised her eyebrow at him. He felt everyone's eyes on him. He started to feel embarrassed as he had no idea what they were even learning about that day.

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