Run away bride

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It took time but we made it to the sand in good time. "Well looks like we're here." I say as we walk in the village.

We were told to bring her to a certain house there, outer of the village. We walked through the village and she stopped causing me to bump in to her and the rest of the team stop.

"Why'd you stop walking." I say

"Thats him."

"Whose him."

"Yuuta! The man i love." She tells us "Yuuta!" Kaede says running up to hug the guy known as Yuuta.

"Kaede, i finally found you!" He says as they embrace each other.

Kiba lets out a annoyed growl. "We dont have time for this we have to bring her to this house." He says

"Hush Kiba what could you possibly be doing right now?"

"Well, i could be- ugh nothing." He says folding his arms.

"Just as i thought." I say

"How did you get here so fast." Kaede says to Yuuta.

"I had to be here fast i cant let you marry him." Yuuta says

"Well you could at least tell the other guy your not marrying him, you cant just not show up." I say

"Your right." Kaede says clutching her outfit.

Time skip.
We went to the door and a women answered it. "Hello, how can i help you." She says with a smile.

"You are Daisuke's mother right". Kaede says.

"Yes, oh you are the new soon to be bride, Kaede, nice to meet you, come in."

We follow in and the woman gets Daisuke. Daisuke entered with a smile on his face. "Hello Kaede." He says as his mother exits the room.

"Hello Daisuke." Kaede says in a low tone.

"Are these other people your servants." I jerk my head back and furrow my eyebrows. Dont say anything Y/N your the captain you have to follow by example. I turn my head to see Kiba about to step up and say something but i put my arm in front of him stopping him from whatever he was about to do.

"No they were escorting me, and this man right here is who im going to marry not you, thats all i came to say." Kaede says

"Him?!" Daisuke laughing. "Please tell me this is a joke." He continues to laugh, he then plans to grab Kaede but before he could do that i grabbed his arm, my sharingan already activated. "I would like if you didn't touch Kaede please." I say looking at him and still ahold of his arm.

Everyone looked shocked because they didnt see what he was about to do coming. "Tch, let me go." He says trying to remove my hold on him.

I let him go and he stepped back. "But Kaede are you seriously going to marry that thing, i mean look at him." Daisuke says

Kaede's lover Yuuta wilts his over. "I love Kaede and thats all that matters. You just want her because of her status and looks." Yuuta says

Not gonna lie this was getting real interesting but all we had to do is make sure she got here safe everything else is out of our hands. "Come on guys were leaving." I say. The rest of team 8 follow behind me.

"Wait please you cant leave." Kaede says

"And why is that." Kiba says.

"I dont want to get married to him! And they're gonna make me, please dont go." Kaede says bowing with her head on the ground.

I rub my temples "we'll help." I say letting out a sigh.

"Look Daisuke, cant you accept she doesnt want to get married to you. I dont think its that hard to understand im pretty sure if both parties talked it over we can come to some kind of solution."

"Well if i cant have her i'll just get a new bride." Daisuke says and a puff a smoke appears.

I use my sharingan while the smoke is still up and look around to see if someones gone. "Guys he got away and he has Hinata...shit." I say

"Well we have to go get her." Kiba says

"No, we need to go back and get back up, she'll be fine." Shino says.

As they bickered back and forth i tried my best to think of something and tried to keep everyone level headed because im the captain and thats my duty.

"Stop!" I say loudly so they can hear me. "Look Yuuta you bring Kaede some where safe, or go to the Kazekage's office tell him you know me and he'll let you stay there for a while. And Shino and Kiba" I say but was interrupted by the bark of Akamaru.

"Andd Akamaru, were gonna go get Hinata," i say

"Yess!" Kiba says

"But-" Shino was about to says but i cut him off.

"Listen like Kakashi says 'in the ninja world, those who break the rules are scum, but those who abandon their friends are even bigger scum.'" I say, omg i cant believe i just said that, it sounded way cooler in my head, but i hope the still get the memo.

"Fine" Shino says

"Lets move out." I say.

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