Zombie Flight - chapter 10 - Steam

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Nola left Senator Steele in the cockpit and waited outside in the galley, pulling herself away from the door. She could almost taste the dried blood under the Band-Aids on Steele's hands.

The feeling of fullness was gone, as if the meat she'd eaten earlier had barely dented her hunger. Each time she closed her eyes, the thing inside her spoke louder. The hunger. Always the damn hunger.

A flash went off in her head. A chain reaction of chemical signals moved up through her body like a roller coaster slamming into the hypothalamus. She couldn't stop it. Her eyes had glazed over by the time she headed to the storage cabinet where she'd stashed the meat.

On instinct, she swiveled her hips and shoulders, swinging back, building momentum and some serious torque as her body weight drove her arm forward. Her fist smashed into the metal cabinet with a bang as something metal flew past her head, bouncing off the galley wall. The top latch of the door to the drinks compartment had popped off, leaving two empty rivet holes and a partially open compartment.

She winced as her eyes focused and she tried to take back control of her body. Blood was pooling on her knuckles, but there was no pain. Blinking, she brought them up to her mouth and started licking.

She went over to the galley sink to wash her hands, started to turn on the tap, then paused. Her knuckles—they'd started to bleed again. Mmmm . . . She lifted her hand to her mouth and sucked the blood from the graze across her knuckles. It would be so easy to bite into it. No, her own blood wouldn't work; the worm inside her knew. With an effort she pulled her knuckles away from her mouth and found some Band-Aids to cover them. Her stomach churned. Not enough.

The captain had said she wasn't needed in the cockpit. Probably just being polite. Steele doesn't act like a senator; he might cause trouble. They won't mind. Screw it—they're infected too, right?

Nola left her station and knocked on the cockpit door. Everything feels so cloudy.

Next Chapter - comes out every Tuesday morning.

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If you can't wait until next Tuesday then head Download - Zombie Flight, by J.P. Westfind for free at https://www.jpwestfind.com/wattpad - Otherwise you can track it down on Amazon and all the other big retailers.

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