Chapter 2 I don't need help I'm fine on my own

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Chapter 2

I don't need help, I'm fine on my own

The next day

By the time the sun started to rise, Issei was already awake. He got up from the floor and made his way to the front door. He left the abandoned house and looked around the area now that he can see. He sees the shed, an overgrown garden, and a river next to a couple of trees that seem to have fruits on them. Issei's stomach began to growl, remembering that he hasn't eaten since he left school. Issei made his way towards the trees with the fruits and picked one off of them.

"It's... a peach?" He asked himself, he hesitated before biting into the peach. Issei scrunched up his face because of the sweetness, he shook his head and continued to eat the peach. He got four more before he began to follow the river that led him to Kuoh getting ready for school. No doubt news has begun to spread that his family abandoned him. He also began to ponder over his behavior over the last few years. Was his behavior at being an open pervert that bad to the point his parents would abandon him?

By the time he got his mind cleared, he was already in front of his school. He stopped before closing his eyes and took a deep breath, before releasing it. He opened his eyes before walking towards his class. He can already hear people begin to talk about him.

"-there he is!"

"It's about time they kicked him out of the family..."

"He showed up!"

"He deserves it to be honest."

"You think he'll stop peeping at the kendo girls?"

"Nah, he's still a pervert."


"A disgrace is what he is."

Issei ignored them as much as he could but their words still stung like being hit by those kendo girls. By the time he entered his class people began to pour in, His two friends came in and began making their way to him but the teacher came in telling everyone to sit in their seats. But that did not stop people from looking at him. He ignored them and continued to stare at the board with a stoic face.

Time skip brought you by Issei repairing his house.

The bell rang, signaling classes have ended. Issei made it out of the classroom without interacting with Matsuda and Motohama. he ignored everyone and began making his way towards the library. The library is always empty during this time of day. People usually would be in line trying to get food in the cafeteria or hanging around with their friends. Issei should have been in there, but he doesn't have much money. He only has 124$ in his bag. Issei knew that he couldn't get a job either because of the school rules. He also knew that he was going to have to play smart with what's left of his money. He didn't have to worry about food. He can live off of the peaches for a while and get water from the river. He should be considering are repairing the house, the shack, and clearing the surrounding area. By the time he was at the library, he was about to open the door before someone called out to him.

"Issei Hyoudou!" Someone called out behind him.

Issei stopped reaching for the door and tilted his head to the right, to see who called his name. It was the student council president Sona and Tsubaki Shinra Vice President.

Issei looked at them both before speaking, "...Yes?" he asked them. Issei wanted to get this over quickly so he could look at how to fix the house.

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