8 - ฬเɭ๒ץ? ๒ɭยє? ๔ย๏?

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Two updates in a row??? *GASP* How unusual!!!

Wilbur felt his throbbing headache change from being painful and- well, in his head, too being a pulsing in his ears that clearly went by the same beat as his heart. Or they were the same beat. Either way, it was still all too overwhelming.

He scrunched his eyes together before opening them, surprised to find himself standing and looking down to a pitifully familiar floor. 

He lifted his head swiftly, brain barely processing his surroundings. He was in that damn train carriage again. He didn't want to be here again. With the soft sounds of the train's wheels hitting tracks invisible to the watchers eye, the dull carriage gave little way for color. The last time he was here, the last time he was a "passenger", he stayed there for 13 years, with common sightings of Schlatt and MD, and the rare visit from Tommy. ɖʀɛǟʍ was the one to save him, the person Wilbur could gladly call his ђєг๏. Ah, too bad his hero soon deteriorated in that cell, after being left there to rot.

There, on the other side of the carriage, stood the desaturated him, the discolored Wilbur. He didn't know the name of the doppelganger the last time Wilbur saw him, tears streaking down his face, hurting the "ghost". But now he knew thanks to his time back on the SMP. He called himself "Ghostbur", but also said he wasn't him. Wilbur knew better, knew the truth. He had to keep the duplicate as far away from him as possible. It took Wilbur a moment before he noticed that his doppelganger, Ghostbur, was glowing a shade of blue, the same shade as the stuff teh duplicate gave around.

The doppelganger looked up as well and noticed the other "passenger" in the carriage. Once he noticed Wilbur, a smile formed onto his face. He was still crying. Wilbur felt like scoffing. Why would he ever just smile at someone like that? So innocent and.... pure. It sent shivers down Wilbur's spine and something felt like it punched his gut.  

"Ghostbur" (That was the doppelganger's name, so Wil should probably call it such) made his way to Wilbur, moving swiftly across the carriage, like it was only three feet wide. When he finally was close enough to Wilbur, though too close for Wil's comfort, he put his hands on Wilbur's shoulders.

Annoyed, Wilbur reached to grab one of "Ghostbur"s arms, tugging at it in futile attempts to get. him. off.

It was when the places the two made contact started to glow, a lilac purple color, Wilbur started to feel the fear from earlier again. He looked back into GԋσʂƚႦυɾ'ʂ eyes again, not realizing that he, too, started to glow a bright red. That red must of started to mix with the blue of GԋσʂƚႦυɾ, as he also started to pick up more of the lilac. He didn't notice because of the look Ghostbur had on his face. A look of a different form of insanity, much different than Wilbur's. But what striked him most odd were the doppelganger's eyes. They also shared the blood red color that Wilbur's own eyes had, only GԋσʂƚႦυɾ's eyes were glowing. His eyes weren't that color last time, right? Wilbur couldn't even think of an answer as his vision was overtaken by the fear, giving the "ghost" an almost... glitching effect. Wilbur couldn't take any of the scene in, his mind was starting to get cluttered... his brain couldn't think... he felt a powerful wave of magic wash over him. He couldn't think... so instead his just closed his eyes.

When he opened them, he was back in the room with Tommy and Phil. No, these were the imposters from earlier. God, I miss being with my family. I don't miss it enough to give in to whatever is happening. His mind felt so... cluttered. He couldn't think straight. So instead, he opted for just staring ahead, no thought needed, until something external spoke. God, was his brain so very foggy. He just wanted his family back.

He broke out of this headspace when he felt a hand rest on hishoulder. There, low and behold, stood "Tommy". Maybe it is Tommy. Traitor. I miss Tommy. Wil?- Ghost?- he looked back into those now red eyes, slightly longing for the crystal blue to be back. Tommy had a sobering look on his face again. It was one that held a tenderness to it, like Tommy was looking sadly upon a child, with a mix of regret?? mixed in.

"You back with us Ghostbur?" Tommy asked, tendrils of smoke curling from inside his mask. Wil- No, Ghostbur felt everything snap in place, a feeling of euphoria sending small shocks throughout the man's body, waking everything up from what felt like a small slumber. Tommy stared uneasily at the now un-roped (Phil untied them while Wilbur was unconscious) man who still stood silently until suddenly-

"Tommy!" Ghostbur called out, suddenly toppling his little brother into a hug, spooking the other after little movement. The two fell with a "BAM!" to the floor, Ghostbur hugging Tommy like there was no tommorow.

"Am I really back?" Ghostbur asked his little brother, still holding onto his arms. He didn't want to let go. He missed Tommy so much while he was stuck in that carriage.

"I told you everything was going to be okay, didn't I?" Tommy asked his elder brother, his feelings of happiness showing through his eyes as his mouth was covered.

"But I do need to check something, Wilbur," Ghostbur felt confused. Why was Tommy calling him Wilbur and now looked so sad- Everything clicked inside his head again, and now there was Wilbur, in Tommy's arms. The younger one was clearly uncomfortable, seeing the change from happiness to anger in his brother's eyes.

"What have you done to me!" Wilbur quickly repositioned his arms to grab onto Tommy, his little brother only closing his eyes in response. No. No. No! NO! This couldn't be happening! The one thing Wilbur feared, the one thing Wilbur was scared of, it was all coming crashing down on him. He wanted nothing to do with the piece he left behind at Pogtopia, the part that delayed him from success. He wanted nothing with it, no refusion, no empathy, no guilt, no-

"Duobur," Tommy said, snapping Wilbur out of his thoughts and pushing him back into the ferocious storm of thoughts, where one couldn't transverse and stay in the real world at the same time. There was no way to get the storm to become one againAre we sure, Phil seems pretty sure that he got a way- I'm sure. And that's not Phil. Wil- Ghost- Duobur was lost in the waves.

"Settle down you two," A voice brought a new entity out of the storm, settling it more so than the brother's hand, "You are both safe now, I promise."

Duobur looked over, swinging his head to meet Phil's eyes. There was the soft, gentle gaze that he missed, that he longed for. He really missed his father. He held eye contact for a second, leaving an uncertain Tommy hanging loosely in his grasp. He let go.

"We're," Duobur stopped himself, "Uh," he focused to point towards himself, it getting easier to control his body the longer he tried to, "I'm," he corrected himself, "Safe?" He looked into Phil's bright eyes, skeptism washed across his face. But it would all be gone if Phil said the word, if Phil told him it was fine.

Phil smiled that smile Duo- *cough cough* Duobur grew up loving. He found himself loving it again.


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