4 - TNTinnit ?

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Tommy stumbled back, accidentally showing how he felt in the situation. His two best friends were acting strange, and Tommy was having none of it.

'Great,' Tommy thought sourly, 'I'm losing more people I care about.'

Tommy faced the two, looking straight into Ranboo's eyes.

"You've honestly lost your minds, both of you," Tommy said before turning around.

"You all have fun with being insane or whatever," Tommy continued, heading to the door, "I'm going to go find Wilbur."

Ranboo and Tubbo looked at each other knowingly.

"You wanna come blow up stuff with us?" Tubbo asked, pulling out a piece of TNT. Ranboo pulled out a flint and steel.

Tommy stopped in his tracks. He glanced back at the duo.


Tubbo smiled, tilting his head on top of Ranboo's. He flew down from his throne (Ranboo), landing in front of his unsure other best friend. He pulled out two full stacks of TNT, placing them in Tommy's hand. Tommy just stood there awkwardly, unsure how to react to the whole... scenario? To be honest, Tommy was even more confused than it seemed. He seemed mostly pulled together from the outside, but he was a complete mess on the inside. It was taking all he had not to give in completely to whatever the voice in the back of his head was.

"Blow it all up."

He didn't know why he was so eager to explode things, other than the absolute chaos that would ensue. And he probably shouldn't do it, for a large majority of the people he knew thought he was becoming a villain. He didn't want to be a villain. He didn't want to be the new Wilbur.

"Only five houses," Tommy firmly told his friends. He knew better than to leave them alone now.

"Fine," Tubbo responded in a cheery tone, "But you have to cover your face. I have an extra mask," Tommy was fine with that. He didn't want to get caught doing griefing again. He didn't want a repeat of-

"Sure," Tommy hesitantly replied, taking the gas mask from Tubbo gingerly. Now that he thought about it, he should probably call him something different while he's like this, Ranboo too. Ah, he'll call Tubbo, Tubee, and Ranboo... Nah, Tommy's too lazy to call him something different.

Tommy studied the mask, he wasn't sure about his decisions. It was too late, anyway, he made a deal.

The mask was one of those "half-masks"- where it was the lower part. Not very useful for radiation or something, Tommy speculated, but ideal for hiding one's face. The main part of the mask was an extremely dark red fabric-type thing, nothing major about it. The real cool part was the rubber parts, the pieces that regulated the air, which were a beautiful, bright red. The mask blended well with Tommy's vibe, feeling ecstatic as he put it on. He couldn't help it.

"Booom!" The sound rocketed through the air, splitting the silence like a knife cutting through butter. A similar sound answered back to the call, as they watched the boy jump into the air, cutting the darkness similar to what they did with the silence.

The boy landed, placing another piece of TNT. He already used eight pieces, this being the ninth. He lit it, grinning ear from ear as he bolts backwards as to not get injured. Of course, you couldn't see his crazed smile due to the mask he wore.

He watched as another boom rang through the air. He went past the amount he agreed to. Six houses, just now. He didn't care anymore though, he was having too much fun, had too much adrenaline rushing through his veins.

Something snapped inside his head, making him clutch it in... not pain, more like shock. He collapsed to the ground, on his knees. His brain was in chaos, his mind finally snapping, if you couldn't tell. He should have been like this months ago, all the trauma weighing him down. He was a strong kid, no matter how much he says he's not. He was mentally older than most of the people on the SMP, yet the physically youngest. Interesting, isn't it?

His grip on his head didn't waver until he felt two hands on his separate shoulders. He looked up to see two people looming over him. His eyesight adjusted, realizing they were his friends.

The TNT piled into his hands, making the teenager feel uncomfortable... no not uncomfortable, more like confused. He needed to get out of here.

Tommy bolted away from the crime scene, leaving his two best friends alone in the rubble. They both only watched silently.

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