Oh No, Are You Pregnant?

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It was mid afternoon on a Wednesday. Lucifer was watching Trixie while Chloe worked, the babysitter had to cancel at the last minute. So, Trixie sat doing homework while Lucifer was googling restaurants. He glanced over at Trixie on the couch, then he smiled.

"Hey Trix?"
"Yeah?" She looked over at him.
"Can you come over here for a second?"

She nodded then walked over to where Lucifer was sitting in the kitchen. Plopping down next to him, she gave him an inquisitive look.

"You know I love you mom right?"
"Oh no are you pregnant?"
"I- what?"

Trixie thought about what she'd said then nodded.

"Yeah, that doesn't make sense. I meant are you breaking up with her?"
"No, no. Quite the opposite actually. However, I wanted your approval before I did it."

He stood up and walked over to the cookie jar they never used, he pulled out a little box, then walked back over, opened it, and set it in front of the girl. Trixie look at it and a smile spread across her face.

"Are you-"
"Yes, yeah. The ring though, you think she'll like it?"

The diamond in the center was smaller. It was held by a beautiful designed holster, and the band was sparkling and thinner. Being on her feet all day and needing her hands, Lucifer thought she'd appreciate a more subtle ring.

"Are you kidding? It's perfect!"
"Good. The only issue is, I have no idea how to go about it. I figured, you know your mom well. Where should I do it?"
"Um, she really likes this restaurant called L'Amour En Bouche. It's this really fancy french restaurant. She doesn't go often though because it's expensive and a date restaurant."
"L'Amour En Bouche, kind of on the nose for a restaurant name."
Trixie crinkled her nose. "I wouldn't know, I don't speak french."

Lucifer nodded before looking back down at the ring.

"You think she'll say yes?" Lucifer asked.

Trixie followed his gaze to the ring. She contemplated for a moment before answering.

"I think that my mom loves you more than she's ever loved anyone. Ever. I think, that if you ask her to marry her, yes will be her answer. Always."
"You're pretty smart for an eleven year old."
"You're pretty dumb for God if you think my mom would say no."

Lucifer looked at Trixie and chuckled. She had quite the mouth on her that's for sure, but he wouldn't have it any other way.

"Just, be sure to convince her to get me a babysitter. I wanna be able to celebrate when you guys get home."
"What if we're out past your bedtime?"
"Then wake me up, duh!"

Chloe walked in a moment later, and as soon as she was inside, both Trixie and Lucifer stopped talking. Chloe made a suspicious looking face.

"What are we talking about?" She asked.
"Nothing, hi mom how was work?"
"Hi monkey. It was fine."

A few hours later, Chloe was putting Trixie to bed. They sat down together to read a story, and before Chloe could leave, Trixie stopped her.

"Yes baby?"
"If Lucifer proposed to you, and you said yes, I'd be happy."

Chloe made a questioning face while looking at her daughter. It was a strange comment, especially when that topic hadn't floated around the house too often.

"Monkey, what made you say that?"
"Nothing. I just wanted to let you know."

She nodded and closed the door. Lucifer sat on the couch, and Chloe cuddled up into him.

"Trixie said the strangest thing."
"What did the urchin say?"
"If you proposed to me she'd be happy."
"Why's that strange?"
"Well, I just don't know where she got the thought."
Lucifer nodded. "The little devil has brought up a good thought though, we haven't gone out in a while. Maybe we could do something on Friday?"
"Friday's good, I'll ask Maze or Linda if-"
"Have one of them come here."
"It would really just be easier-"
"Have Maze do it, not Linda. She's use to staying up late, so it'll be fine."

Chloe eyed Lucifer suspiciously. She had no idea why he wanted Trixie to stay here so bad, but she didn't have an excuse to push her going away, so she nodded and curled back into him.

Not me doing two split chapters so close together! Also yes, I'm aware I've written a engagement chapter before, but sue me for having many ideas of how I want it to go down. Anyways, granmar, spelling, ideas!!!

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