Chapter Nine

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Steve took the lead as the four of us ran to the tower. Their respective weapons were drawn while I glanced around, searching for anyone that needed help escaping. The portal was wide open, allowing more and more Chitauri warriors to fly through and wreak havoc. As we approached an abandoned taxi, a loud clap of thunder sounded, and we looked up in awe as an enormous, metallic worm-like creature emerged from the portal, letting out a prehistoric roar.

"What is that thing?!" I asked in fear as it drew closer to the ground. Our mouths were agape as it flew right over our heads. If any of us wanted to, we could reach out and touch it, but seeing hundreds of Chitauri shooting out from the sides killed that idea. They landed on the surrounding buildings. I saw one smash through a window and gasped, sensing people's energies inside. Secret be damned. Taking out a knife, I teleported to the broken window, and as soon as I rematerialized, I saw the soldier shooting up the office. I growled and jumped on his back, stabbing his neck. He dropped to the ground with a screech, and I felt the life drain from him. I looked around at all the scared people and offered a small smile.

"Might wanna evacuate," I reasoned. They immediately fled out of the office, and I teleported the body and me back to the street. My feet landed on solid ground and I dropped the body. The three adults looked at me strangely, and I offered an innocent smile.

"That's one down," I said. "So... obviously, I'll need my powers, but I'll use my knives and bo staff to kill the aliens. More of a badass ninja, less of a scary mutant."

Nat shrugged. "I like it."

"Unfortunately, I can't tell how long it'll be before I become drained. I have to reserve myself as much as possible."

Cap let loose a small smile before we all gazed back at the catastrophe around us. Chitauri warriors flew overhead, using anti-gravity technology. "Stark, you seeing this?" Cap asked in awe.

"I'm seeing, still working on believing. Where's Banner? Has he shown up yet?"


"Just keep me posted," Dad ordered before going back to our giant worm problem. I huffed and looked around. People were still trying to flee. Whenever a Chitauri got too close, I used my powers to shield them from the energy blasts.

"Run! Hurry!" I yelled after them. While I protected the innocents, the others took out the soldiers.

As the number of people on the bridge dwindled, Steve yelled, "Serena, take cover."

The Chitauri were still shooting at the ground from above. I ran towards Nat and Clint who were squatting behind a taxi. Cap soon joined us, and his eyes darted all over the place. "Got civilians trapped-"

Plasma blasts interrupted Hawkeye's assessment as a group of Chitauri soared above, shooting at anything that moved. We watched in horror as they shot out more storefronts. "Loki," I said, sensing the man's angry energy. He and his goons decimated the streets, causing explosions galore. People tried to flee, but it was pointless, and I felt their pain poking at my defenses.

"Those people need assistance down there," Cap stated. My head whipped around when Nat stood and shot her pistols at incoming Chitauri. More landed on an abandoned car, crushing it. Nat crouched back down as Clint went over to an overturned car to get a better vantage point.

"We got this," she reassured. "It's good. Go."

Cap looked at Clint and asked, "You think you can hold them off?"

"Captain," he replied while his arrow was mechanically chosen from his quiver. "It would be my genuine pleasure."

In a single movement, Clint stood and turned on his heel, loosing his arrow in the nearest Chitauri's head. Sparks flew from the impact, taking out other soldiers. But more kept coming. "Serena, stay and help get people to safety."

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