Taking it 'easy' / Meeting Antonio

Start from the beginning

As I thought, I wandered around. Jason said he had some work to do and Tim was resting, so I had been exploring on my own.

Jason's estate was amazing. So many cool rooms and things to see, but I was getting kinda hungry.

Jason had told me that what's his, is mine, so I headed towards the kicthen to find a snack.

When I walked in, a guy was sitting at the bar, a laptop open in front of him and a plate of food beside him.

He was definitely attractive. Hot even. His hair was a little shorter than Tims and a light brown color. He had it pulled up into a messy half bun with some of the hairs falling free to frame the sides of his face.

Damn. Definitely hot.

He didn't seem to notice me as I made my way to the fridge. I had seen him before, when Tim was brought into the hospital. He was following Jason, filling out the necessary paperwork and taking care of keeping the situation private. Away from the press.

We all appreciated that.

When I opened the fridge, I furrowed my eyebrows. Nothing looked familiar and the labels were in Italian. I sighed. Tim knew some Italian, but I knew even less.

"Try the pink drink. It's the best in my opinion." I wiped my head around, looking over towards the guy. Sterling blue eyes locked onto hime. He just smiled at me and nodded. "Ciao."

After a moment, I realized I hadn't said anything and cleared my throat, grabbing the pink drink and looking it over. "What is it?" He chuckled, leaning forward against the counter. "Fragola. Strawberry."

The can opened with a pop and the smell hit my nose making me grin. "Oh, it smells good."

He chuckled again. "Tastes good too." He watched as I took a sip, humming immediately at the sweetness. "Oh wow. That is good." He grinned then looked back down at his laptop.

I should greet him. It was the polite thing to do right?

"I'm... I'm Damian by the way." He looked up again, his face was blank for a moment before a smile formed on his lips.

"Damian. Yes, Tim's brother. I'm Antonio. Jason's head of security." Ah, that made sense. "Oh, yeah we really appreciate what you did at the hospital. Tims never been good with press and all that."

I moved to the opposite side of the counter, leaning against it casually. He nodded. "Of course. Jason hates them too. He thinks they are nosey bastardos."

I tilted my head, but easily figured out what the word ment. "Ah. That makes sense. Anyway," I looked down at my drink. "Thanks for the suggestion...got any for a snack?"

At the moment my stomach growled and I pressed my lips together as my face burned with a blush.

Antonio just laughed and got up, walking over to a door and opening it. Inside was a huge panty. "Do you like coffee?" As I watched him, I nodded then made a face. He couldn't see me. "Yeah, I do."

When he walked out, he was holding a small tin that had a blue floral design on it. It looked like one of those tins that should have food in it, but almost never does. Instead it'll have sewing stuff or buttons.

"Camila made these a few days ago. Absolutely divino." He put his fingers up to his lips and kissed them while pulling them away in a typical Italian fashion. I laughed a little as he carried the tin over, setting it down beside me. "Have a couple. Godere."

Hesitantly, I opened the tin, immediately drooling over the smell that hit my nose. Oblong shaped biscuits lined the inside. Dipped in what looked like chocolate.

"They have crushed coffee beans in them too." I looked up at Antonio as he spoke, grinning before picking one up and taking a bite.

My eyes rolled back and I hummed out. These were absolutely amazing! Alfred made some damn good cookies, but these, damn! Like heaven. They melted on my tongue and were so soft and chewy.

I hummed out again and Antonio chuckled, sitting back in his seat. "I told you, divino." He kissed his fingers again and I nodded, agreeing with no hesitation. "Absolutely!"

I ate it rather quickly while still trying to savor it. I was definitely gonna eat more than one. "I think I'm in love." I picked up a second one and took a bite.

Antonio chuckled. "Camila definitely has a way with treats and sweets." I nodded in agreement. he wasn't wrong. She definitely knew what she was doing.

Jason walked in and glanced at me and Antonio. "Ahh good you two have met." We nodded and I took another bite as Jason walked over to us. "I was looking for you both. Tims resting so I have time to come talk to you."

Antonio raised an eyebrow at Jason, obviously skeptical of what he could be wanting to talk about.

Jason took a seat next to him and glanced at me before talking. "I need someone to...be a sort of bodyguard for Damian."


I scoffed, choking slightly on the bite in my mouth. "What the hell! I don't need a bodyguard!" I was getting defensive and glaring at Jason. He had no right to assign me something like that.

Jason raised his hands up a little, overall looking calm and collected. "Damian, Tim got hurt. Bad. I just don't want something happening to you while you're here, okay." He looked at me sincerely, speaking calmly even after my outburst.

Sighing heavily, I relaxed and nodded. He was right I guess. He had said that there was a possibility that Jack may have men that would be looking for revenge. If he did and they were, it wouldn't be a bad idea to have someone at my side. Especially someone that could use a gun.

I nodded. "Okay fine, but I'm not a baby. I don't need a babysitter. Just a guard." Antonio eyed me cautiously then looked at Jason.

I could tell he wasn't to set on the idea, but didn't really have room to argue. So he nodded and sighed. "Okay boss."

Jason nodded and took a deep breath. "Great. Thanks Antonio. Just, keep an eye out." He looked at me as he stood up. "Especially if you go outside or wanna go somewhere. Just take Antonio with you." It still sounded like a babysitter to me, but I nodded.

When Jason left, I finished off my drink then headed towards the door. Antonio watched me. "Where are you going?" I groaned. This was gonna be so annoying.

Turning, I looked at him, still slightly annoyed. "Swimming. You really don't have to follow." He shook his head, putting his stuff away. "I kinda do. It's my job now." I huffed out, turning to keep walking. This really wasn't gonna be fun.

Glancing back, I noticed then just how tall he was. He was built Iike Jason too. Muscular and thick. I hummed softly to myself.

Okay maybe...maybe having someone that good looking following me around wouldn't be so bad.


Ciao - Hello.

Fragola - Strawberry.

Bastardo - Basta*d.

Divino - Divine.

Godere - Enjoy.

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