The East Wolves

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It's been a week since the incident at my house happened.
I decided to just go on with my days and forget what had happened.
But it was hard because I kept it in instead of telling Tyler everything that went on.
I knew he would automatically make me leave with him as we ran.
But run from what?
Who knows?
The mysterious guy?
Was it really him?
I didn't know anymore.
"Crystal..." I hear a distant call for my name as I snap back into reality.
"Oh uh yeah hey Tyler." I quickly dry my hands on the towel.
"You want me to walk you home?" He's be offering everyday but I was just worried that something like that was at home again.
"No it's okay." I try moving past him but he puts his hand in mine gripping it tightly in his.
"I'm walking you home let's go." He tugs at my hand as we leave the store.
It was a silent walk.
I just didn't know what to say.
He stayed quite too..
There was nothing said as silence filled the air.
As we approached my house I saw my door wide open.
"Hey uh Tyler here is fine!" I really didn't want to get him mixed up in this.
"What? Why can't I walk inside like I always did...?" Should I really tell him?
He's always been there for me...
I noticed him looking over at my door that was wide open.
"Did you forget to close it?" He looked concerned.
I'm a idiot.
He quickly pushes me behind him as two guards come out of my house.
What are they doing in my house?!
I was scared.
But also concerned.
"We are here from the East village in orders of-
"I know who the hell you are but what are you doing inside crystal's home!" Ty seemed angered.
I knew he was just worried but I was scared.
What if the mysterious guy told them about me and that's why they are here..
Please don't be that.
"We are here to take her back to the east village she is to come with us. She was chosen from this village."
Now that's bad.
Like bad bad.
I can't go with them! They killed my family!
"What? I'm not going with you!" No way that's happening!
"Sorry Mam but you don't have a choice. Either ways you'll be taken care of and we will give you the best training there."
I didn't care about any of that!
I couldn't turn so it would be obvious.
I snap back as Tyler squeezed my hand.
I look up at him.
"Crystal run. Don't stop running. Run as fast as you can and I'll stall them you understand?"
Was it a good plan? I don't know..
I started noticing them getting closer.
"Run now Crystal!" Tyler shouts.
I let go of Tyler's hand and quickly run the other way.
I didnt wanna look because if I did I knew I would go back for him.
But the screams.
I couldn't help but hear Tyler's scream in pain.
That was Tyler's!
I turn around seeing Tyler on the ground with a knife almost pinned against his stomach.
They were gonna stab him.
"No Crystal don't!"
They pushed it closer to him.
"Okay stop! I'll go!"
Tears fell down my face as I ran back to Tyler.
They moved the sword away from him and I wrapped my arms around him.
He held me tightly.
"Look you got this okay? I'll find a way to get to you okay?"
He was lying.
The only way in was with the guards.
I felt one guard start pulling me off of Tyler.
I didn't wanna go.
"We need to leave now before sunset." One of the guards says.
I felt myself get pulled off of Tyler. He was my only family.
I didn't wanna go!
"Tyler." I mumbled as tears fell down my face.
One of the other guards had Tyler held back down with a sword just in case he tried anything.
This world is so screwed up!
I will get my revenge on this stupid village that killed everyone I loved! Everyone! I don't have a home because of them. They took that from me and now they're taking this!
They pushed me in the back of the carriage with bars so I wouldn't get out.
One snarled at me.
I held onto the bars as they locked it tight.
The guard holding Tyler suddenly pushed his sword upwards knocking Tyler out.
"Why would you do that!!!" They think they can just do anything! I don't wanna go!
The guard just laughed and got onto the other side of the carriage.
I began to feel the carriage move.
We were riding off.
I looked back at the village as the terrified people come out rushing over to Tyler.
I saw Tyler's mom look at me with sympathy in her eyes.
There was nothing they could do.
But I?
I could end this.
And that's exactly what I was going to do.

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