"Yes, Master Beta." The men barked out in unison with stone faces, hiding the fatigue they felt, to avoid provoking him further.

"Follow me." Jonah said, sharply turning on his heel after providing them all a look of clear distaste. He immediately set out in a jog, his pace quick and determined. There was much to do in a short amount of time and there would be no cause for delay. Beta Luca was his tail, and kept an eye on the back of the crowd that had formed in two rigid lines, keeping with Jonah's pace.

Eventually, when they would be brought to the grounds filled with the landscaping materials, their faces would be laced with confusion and some showing signs of relief. However, those that experienced the fleeting sensation of relief, would quickly experience an immediate dejection as Jonah kept his sharp persistent demeanor, and expected their hardened bodies to break and shift the lands in fervor. They would move quickly, under the barking shouts of both Luca and Jonah. Not once did a body stagnate as Jonah's eyes sharply flickered between them and the crumpled blue prints he held in his hand. His hazel eyes only left the men and the garden he was having constructed at random intervals, to look back over his shoulder at the pack mansions walls. A flickering paranoid compulsion, to check and ensure, that the curtains were still shut on the second floor bay window, which belonged to his master suite.


Rose shifted in the bed at the gentle knocking at the entrance door. Her blue eyes fluttered open, not needing time to adjust as the room was still dark, an effect produced by the blackout curtains which were closed against the windows that lined the walls. It was the second time, she had woken up this morning, the first occurred when he left the bed and she felt his warm large frame, gently pull away from hers.

It was a repeat action, that occurred each morning. They would go to sleep on their separate sides, with her back facing his frame, but inevitably his large body would make his way towards her and cloak her smaller frame in a cradling manner. She hated how soothing and warm his large bicep felt as he draped it over her waist, or the tingling sensation that gently purred beneath the flesh on the back of her thighs, as one of his snaked it's way over to snugly rest against them. Or the way it hurt to smell his musky fragrance of freshly turned soiled filled with roots and nutrients as it baked under the warmth of the sun.

Each morning it pained her when he left without a word, believing her to be asleep as she tried to ignore the sensations provided by his close proximity. It hurt to feel the absence of him, when she lost his touch. It hurt even more when the glaring reality again became prevalent that he was not providing these sensations for her, but to her. She was just an empty vessel that temporarily filled a void, something which brought him comfort to dim the loss of what he once had, something she herself never had.

At one point, she had a true hope that they could find in each other, what they had been unable to find in those originally selected for them. That they could grow and share their own experiences, from his loss, to her rejection. However, their union only ended up in him regaining what he once lost, and her experiencing her second, and more devastating rejection. Jonah never had to experience a rejection, he seemed to be lucky in that sense of life. He lost his mate, and then found a sub-mate to recoup his loss. Rose found her mate and immediately lost him, due to her own weak nature. When presented with an opportunity for her second chance, her chest swelled and her heart fluttered, but when the situation became apparent for what it actually was, she finally lost herself in the abyss.

She wasn't cut out for this life. She was a terrible pick for a shewolf. She wasn't strong and she had such a weak resolve. She was too fragile and too dainty, easily affected and soft with her emotions. There was not an aggressive bone in her body, and had zero will or drive to fight. She couldn't make it in this world, which was only proven by how undesirable her character had been determined to be.

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