It didn't take them long to leave the city and they   traveled through the village. They were disguised as ordinary people. Yet the powerful and dazzling aura around them couldn't conceal under their disguise.

At evening they found an inn to rest for a while.

"Do you know why we are travelling far this time?" Once they settled in, Wei Yifeng probed.

"Isn't it for gaining knowledge and experience?" Wei Ying carelessly tossed his answer.

Wei Yifan bonked his head with a scroll.

"Da ge, er ge hit me." Wei Ying complained.

They went back on to the topic much to Wei Ying's disappointment. He wanted to cure his fatigue through fake fighting with his brothers.

"We are not going for fun. In fact we're going to the border village of Gusu land." Wei Yifeng said and glanced at Lan Zhan.

Wei Ying. "Why sudden?"

Wei Yang sighed. "We heard from an informant talking to our father. The situation in Gusu is not that better. Father wants to help the King but a direct confrontation will lead to an inevitable war which will put the people in danger. So we thought at least we should go and analyse the state in there."

Lan Zhan was silent. His face devoid of any emotions but his clenched fists give away his state of mind. Wei Ying noticed it but didn't say anything aloud.

"It won't be that extreme. If anything aren't we enough to hold on for a while?" Wei Ying tried to lighten the atmosphere. "Come, we should rest. We have to wake up early tomorrow." Saying that he went to a bed and lay down.

The others looked at his direction. Wei Yifeng shook his head with a slight smile and told everyone to go back to their rooms And rest. Lan Zhan and Wei Ying shared one room.

When everyone dispersed, Wei Ying turned to look at Lan Zhan who didn't make a sound all this while.

He sat up. He saw a lone figure standing by the open window and looking outside. The dim light reflected on his profile. His face showing a rare moment of helplessness. The emotions suppressed in his heart boiled up wanting to let out. He made his heart steady with difficulty.

"Lan Zhan" Wei Ying softly called out.

Lan Zhan turned his face to look at him. "Mmm"

Wei Ying slowly got up and went to his side. "There's this much a person can do. You are already working hard to get stronger. You are already strong enough. And the ones against us maybe stronger but they don't have what we have." He paused for a moment and continued. "They don't have a heart. But we have. I'm not good with words but remember i'll always be by your side. I won't ever leave you alone. We will fight through together. You can save your people. Look, my brothers are all in it too. They're worried about you and they only want the best for you. So don't think you are alone in this fight. We will definitely win."

The confidence in his voice made Lan Zhan feel warm. His heart felt the warmth that he is given by the Wei brothers. Especially Wei Ying. Just by staying by his side, he already given him enough courage and warmth. The gentle but confident look in his eyes when he said all those saved in his heart and comforted his worries a little.

He is not alone. He will get through everything. He will fight for it. He has Wei Ying....

This thoughts calmed him down. His mouth curved slightly to reveal a small smile.

"Mmm. I'll be with you too forever." He said.

Wei Ying felt the words seems somewhat romantic. A rare shy expression crossed his face tinting his cheeks a soft pink.

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