Little Wish

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Shun couldn't sleep that night. In all his life, there were only rare moments when he couldn't sleep, and those were usually when Hajime was around. For instance, he'd rather watch Hajime sleeping instead of sleep.

His mind was still reeling with what Kazama had said.

Kazama had refused to give an answer-not without a rather high price, anyway. But the fact that the answer lay with the demons was precious information. It wasn't as if Kazama and his gang were the only demons; all they had to do was find another one.

He got up and looked around the room, stopping for a second beside Kai. He rearranged Kai's blankets, laughing softly as Kai muttered protests in his sleep, before silently making his way to the door. Hopping onto the grounds from the open corridor, he caught sight of Chizuru staring at the night sky.

"My my, I see I'm not the only one up," said Shun, walking up to Chizuru. Chizuru started and turned around, her expression relaxing as she realized who it was.

"Ah, Shun."

Shun looked up too. "Something interesting up there?" he asked, catching sight of a shooting star.

Chizuru gestured to the stars. "I made a wish on a shooting star, you know. The night before you all arrived." She sounded almost guilty.

This caught Shun's attention. "And what exactly did you wish for?"

"Someone to take me home."

"So, you're the reason we're all here," muttered Shun under his breath, wondering if he should turn her into a wax doll for all the chaos her little wish had cost them. "But why?"

"I needed a way home, but I never meant for this to happen. I apologize." She sounded remorseful.

Shun shook his head. He couldn't actually do anything after she sincerely regretted it. "Why couldn't you search for a way home yourself?" he asked, no malice in his voice, but rather genuine curiosity.

"Because I am Chizuru here, not Ayame." Her eyes hardened as she looked at her hands. When hatred filled her eyes, Shun realized her own hands were probably unfamiliar to her. "You obviously aren't from around here, but I have a setting here. How long do you think it would take them to drive a sword through my heart if they think I've gone mad, rambling about worlds and universes?"

Shun stared at the stars wordlessly, naming the ones Kai had shown him. But this still left the question of why Hajime had heard the bells when he had seen Saitou; what bond had caused them to be pulled along like fish on a hook.

Shun tilted his head as he thought about it. Hajime and Saitou shared a name, their eyes, and even a voice. A thought formed in his head as he smiled. No, it couldn't be. He shook his head and nodded a good night to Chizuru, leaving her under the stars.

He turned back hearing another pair of footsteps to see Souji walking to her, the two of them sharing a whispered conversation. He smiled a little sadly and headed back to his room. She was going to get her heart broken soon enough.

The next morning, Hijikata called them all to a meeting. Silence stretched as a sense of foreboding filled up the empty spaces. And perhaps that was the effect he was aiming for.

"Sannan's dead," said Hijikata, as Saitou and Souji both looked down.

"How horrible," said Itou, hiding a smile.

Hajime looked over to Chizuru, who gave the floor the tiniest shake of her head. Shun noticed and realized he was still alive, and they were playing at him being dead.

"A moment of silence for Sannan," said Haru, putting his hands together.

Silence stretched again, until it got too unbearable and Hijikata kicked everyone out of the room.

That night, Sen walked into the headquarters, another woman with her, and demanded audience with Kondou and Hijikata. After gathering everyone in a room, Sen took a seat facing Hijikata. They watched as she explained that Chizuru was a demon, that she was being targeted.

Chizuru didn't seem surprised to hear that, which made Shun think she had already suspected it when her injury from the Kinmon Rebellion had healed faster than expected.

Sen went on to call herself a demon, which caught Shun's attention, but there was no way he could ask in front of all these people. Hajime caught Shun's eye, a silent question in his expression, as Shun shrugged in response.

Chizuru turned down Sen when she was asked to leave with them, giving Souji a meaningful glance. This may have been a mistake on her end.

Shun ran after Sen after they had been dismissed, but she was nowhere to be seen.

The next night, everyone woke up from their slumber to the sound of clanging metal. Hajime poked his head out of the door to see Chizuru doing the same.

"What's happening?" she asked, rubbing her eyes.

"I think they really did come back for you," said Hajime, as he watched Kazama walk towards them from the other end of the corridor.

A Rasetsu stepped in front of Kazama, who gave it an annoyed look before stabbing it through the heart. Kakeru peered out from under Hajime's outstretched arm.

"Should we help?"

"Stay in. Shun!" called Hajime.

Shun peered over Hajime's shoulder and clicked his tongue. "I don't want to."

"Neither do I," said Hajime, as they stepped out together. "Hello, Kazama."

"I have nothing to say to you," said Kazama. "I came for her." He threw a look in her direction, and Chizuru raised her sword in response. Kazama narrowed his eyes. "You'd raise your sword against me?"

"Get lost," said Chizuru, seeming annoyed at having woken up to his face. A laugh came from around the corridor, as they watched Souji walk into sight.

"I was going to kill you for trying to kidnap her, but honestly, she would probably do it herself."

Kazama ignored him, his eyes on Chizuru. "You'd die if you fought me."

"If you're worried that I would die, then isn't that my advantage?" asked Chizuru, as a scream shattered the air. "What's going on?" she said, her grip on the katana tightening.

"Amagiri and Shiranui are taking down the Rasetsu unit," responded Kazama. "The fake demons the humans made, the abominations of humanity and demonkind." He clicked his tongue and took off down the corridor, Hajime, Shun, Souji and Chizuru running after him.

Looking at the carnage before the gates, Hajime let out a low whistle.

"My my," said Shun.

Kazama and his subordinates had disappeared, with only the destruction left behind to indicate they had ever been there.

"Looks like he gave up," said Hajime.

Chizuru looked rather annoyed. "Then why'd he even bother to come all this way?"

Souji placed his elbow on top of her head. "Maybe just to see if you'd go with him willingly."

Chizuru gave him a withering look, when Souji started coughing and moved away, waving away Chizuru's attempts at helping him. Hajime watched them, feeling a bit bad for Chizuru. He caught sight of Rui and Kai standing on the open corridor, Rui holding onto Kai's sleeve, and Kai who had a look of grief and empathy on his face, as he gazed at Chizuru and Souji, perhaps seeing someone else for a second.


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