21st Century GOD

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Ancestors once said, 

"There will be a day 

When a weapon will be made.

Which will uproot this pure world 

Making it ghastly & pale. 

Just as moon without shine. 

It will be worst than any mercenary, 

Worth than a soul, 

Good than any fortune 

With a curse carved on top" .

Ancestors word became true. 

Weapon was made

Which became 21st century God.

Know as Money, in to-days world. 

It has paper body

Printed face 

With the power 

To kill an entire race

It has numerical coding 

Same as weapon 

The more the number 

The powerful it arise

The owner who owns it

Has the power 

To mould it in 

Curse or blessing

You can't know its power

Just looking at its

Lean figure and petite size 

It's the weapon of this time... 

The one who have it 

Are labeled as rich 

The one who don't have 

Are certified as poor beings

It's a 21st century God 

Which is a weapon 

With a curse 

Carved on top.

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