"I forgive you"

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Stiles POV: I went to go look for Isaac but didn't end up finding him so I went home. It was now the morning and I had school to go to. I went to go pick up y/n but she there mom said they has left earlier. I ended just heading to school to see if they was there. 

As I arrived at school I saw y/n with there beautiful h/c hair. I was on my way to go talk to them but I saw them with Isaac. I think I saw them laughing. As I was staring I couldn't handle looking at them so I got back in my car and left. I was so pissed off I had gone to my usual spot and I think you know what happened. My knuckles were bleeding so I cleaned them up with my first aid kit in the car. 

Y/N POV: I had woken up early and Stiles was not in my bed so I got up and started getting ready for school. Since I woke up early I decided just to walk to school so I told my mom bye and left. As I was walking into school I was pulled aside but Isaac. I looked him in the eyes and tried to leave but he didn't let me he was holding onto my wrist hard and every time I moved he would put more pressure onto my wrist. I stopped struggling because he was really hurting my wrist. "Isaac what do you want" you asked. "I am so sorry for everything I said and did" he said. "Isaac I don't care about you no more please let go of me" you asked concerned. "y/n I need you to forgive me please I didn't mean any of it" he said playing stupid. 

"If I forgive you will you let go of my wrist and never talk to me again" you asked "If that's what you want then yes I will do that" he said. "I forgive you" you said. He let go of your wrist and right before you left you saw Stiles staring at you. You started walking towards him but he was already in his car and leaving the school parking lot. You tried calling him but he wouldn't answer his phone. You decided to follow him. 

(A/N: I am really backed up with school but I'm on summer now so I"m hoping I finish this book soon)

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