Gamora's Past

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"AGH!" screamed Quill in a high pitched voice as they got dropped into another room. 

"Seriously Quill, even Groot doesn't scream that high pitched" scoffed Drax.

Peter blushes in embarrassment avoiding eye contact with Gamora and Rocket who shot him incredulous looks.

Suddenly a there was a bright light, blinding everyone's eyes as they were all pushed back into their chairs.

Then there was a voice.

"Guardians of the Galaxy! I have brought you here to watch your past and your future away from the avengers for various reasons. The first clip you are going to watch is how Gamora ended up with Thanos."

All the guardians and Nebula shot Gamora curious and concerned looks, while she just stared at the screen, no emotion at all shown in her face. 

Cut to the past, at Gamora's home planet Zen-Whoberi during Thanos' massacre. Gamora and her mother are hiding; the sounds of guns and screaming are outside.]

Gamora squeezes Quill's hand, knowing what this was.

All the guardians looked at her in worry especially Quill, as he wrapped his arm around her.

"Nice braids" smirks Rocket, as everyone glares at him.

"What?!... Its a compliment for Thor's sakes"

Gamora's Mother: [To Young Gamora] Shh. We'll be safe. We'll be safe.

"That's your mother?" asks Rocket.

Gamora nods, tears filling her eyes.

[An explosion goes off close by and Gamora screeches by reflex, revealing their hiding spot.]

"It's my fault.. Its my fault my mother's dead" Gamora whispers...

"What?! No. Gamora you screamed, and you wre just a small kid, and besides think positively, because of that you met us" says Quill, in an attempt to comfort her.

Child of Thanos: [Untranslated inquiry.]

[The door is smashed open and both Zehobereians scream.]

[Outside, it is utter chaos. Leviathans, Chitauri chariots and ring-ships fly overhead; explosions and energy bolts from numerous sources criss-cross the panicked population, felling them randomly; smoke arises from countless fires.]

Ebony Maw: Zehobereians...

Young Gamora: [Being dragged by one arm through the crowds] Mother! Where's my mother?!

"GET YOUR FILTHY HANDS OF HER!" shouts Drax, as Groot hides behind Rocket.

Ebony Maw: Zen-Whoberis...Choose a side, or die.

"Bastard" Rocket mutters

"I hate him" mutters Nebula.

Young Gamora: Mother! [She punches at the arm of the one dragging her who surprisingly drops her arm and leaves.]

"You're one strong girl, I mean really strong, like you aren't afraid at all" mentions Rocket trying ot lighten the mood, but he wasn't wrong.

"Thanks" mutters Gamora

Ebony Maw: One side is a revelation. The other, an honor known only to a few.

[Gamora turns and finds herself facing Thanos in his full Titan armor.]

"Father" Nebula sarcastically spits out. 

Thanos: What's wrong, little one?

"OH GET AWAY FROM HER" Quill growls.

Young Gamora: My mother. Where is my mother?

Everyone is looking at Gamora in sympathy.

Thanos: [Kneels down to Gamora] What's your name?

Young Gamora: Gamora.

Thanos: You're quite the fighter, Gamora. 

"That she is" says Quill as Rocket nods in agreement.

Drax and Nebula were honestly surprised, at how strong and brave she was at such a young age, but it was Gamora, what else could they expect.

'That's one of the reasons you are Thanos' favuorite" ponders Nebula

Come. Let me help you.

"Get the f"ck away from her" growls Peter.

[Thanos offers his hand; she wraps her little fingers around one massive finger, and he leads her to a pavilion, where he crouches to her eye level again and produces a small -- for him -- red-jeweled handle. Pressing the switch, razor-sharp blades pop out both ends.]

Nebula recognizes that dagger, it was the Gamora's favourite. 

Thanos: Look. Pretty, isn't it? Perfectly balanced. As all things should be. Too much to one side, or the other...

"I am Groot"

[He balances it on one finger, overbalances it purposefully and catches it.]

Thanos: Here. You try.

[Thanos hands Gamora the dagger -- the handle is two child-palms' widths in length. She tries balancing it on her index finger.]"

"Wow" chuckles Rocket, "You have some tiny hands" 

"You still do" says Gamora smirking

"Yeah whatever" mutters Rocket and some other things.

Ebony Maw: Now go in peace, and meet your maker.

[One half of the crowd is shot down. 

Gamora shuts her eyes, but one tear slips out, as Quill hugs her tightly, and all the other guardians moved closer to hug her too, surprisingly, even Nebula.

The survivors scream in horror, and Gamora tries to turn but Thanos prevents her from seeing the massacre.]

"HE WILL DIE, AT MY HANDS! HE HAS TAKEN SO MUCH FROM ME AND GAMORA! I WILL MAKE SURE HE DIES A PAINFUL DEATH!" screams Drax in fury as the rest look at the screen in horror.

No wonder Gamora would never talk about/open up about her past. Who knows what else she had been through, along with Nebula, as both of them has been 'raised' by Thanos.

Thanos: Uh-uh...concentrate.

Thanos: There! You've got it.

"He is a monster" says Gamora..."He took everything from me. Not just this, but he tortured me and Nebula, so much. He took everything-

"Not everything" says Nebula as Rocket squeezes Gamora's hands.

We will always be here for you, as we are a family.

Secretly did they know that the avengers saw everything and were crying silently as they swore they would not let that bastard aka Thanos live...whatever it takes

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2021 ⏰

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