Finn immediately shook his head at the idea. "No way. It's not safe out there. You're not going." He told her and she crossed her arms in defiance. "Yes, I am."

"Don't be an idiot, Julia. Stay here where the defenses are." Finn tried to convince her. He was more than willing to put himself in danger for this mission, but he wasn't okay with putting her in danger.

"Well, like I said, people tend to be idiots when it comes to their family's safety. You're my family, Finn. I'm not letting you go alone." Julia told Finn, whose heart melted at her words.

Finn could see that Julia meant what she said and that she wasn't going to let him go alone. She was very stubborn, that girl. So, against his better judgement, he gave in.

"Okay, Jules. Come on." Finn nodded for her to go with him. Together, they snuck through the tunnels and out of camp without being detected.

Julia felt bad that she was breaking her promise to Bellamy about staying close to the dropship. She also felt bad that she left without saying goodbye to Bellamy and Octavia as there was no guarantee she was going to see them again.

But she knew they would've tried to stop her, and Julia refused to not go with Finn. He was like a brother to her and she didn't want him to go and put himself in danger alone.


Finn and Julia had been running for a while now and finally got to Lincoln's cave. They ran inside and started desperately looking for the vial of coagulant to help slow Raven's bleeding.

They were both facing away from the entrance of the cave when a figure started sneaking up behind them, a knife raised. Julia turned to start looking in a different spot and let out a scared shout when she saw the figure in front of her. That is, until she realized it was Lincoln.

Finn quickly turned around and Lincoln lowered his knife when he realized who the people were in front of him. "Lincoln, you made it." Finn said, surprised.

"I told you to leave." Lincoln ignored Finn's comment. "We tried. The scouts were already there." Finn told him.

"I'm out of ammo! Do you copy?" Bellamy's voice rang through the walkie-talkie Finn had on him.

"What is that?" Lincoln asked as Finn fished the walkie-talkie out of his pocket. "Requesting backup, now!" Bellamy's voice continued and Finn passed the walkie-talkie to Lincoln.

Julia couldn't help but be worried for her brother. He was fighting a battle and just ran out of his main weapon. "Sterling. Sterling, do you copy?" Bellamy asked through the walkie-talkie.

"Why are you two not there?" Lincoln questioned. "Raven was shot. We need medicine to slow the bleeding." Finn told him and Lincoln furrowed his eyebrows.

"You came to save one life?" Lincoln accused. "There's not much time to explain, but basically if Raven dies, we all die." Julia explained quickly.

"Do you have the medicine or not?" Finn asked him. "I have it." Lincoln confirmed as he walked over and grabbed a pouch before tossing it to Finn.

As he did, Bellamy's voice came through the walkie-talkie more, choppy and staticky, but it didn't sound like things were going particularly well.

"Stand your ground. If they take the gate, we're all dead." Bellamy's voice came through clear enough to understand. Julia's eyes widened in worry. Most everyone she cared about was in that camp. She didn't want any of them to get hurt or die.

"I'm going with you. Let's go." Lincoln told Finn and Julia before heading towards the exit. Julia started to follow him, but Finn's voice stopped them.

Tragedy ✧ John Murphyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن